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The June 2019 Trinity Cup was held this month with 25 participants, and the results are in!
1st: Giant Skyhawk
2nd: Drain Gang Pakistan
3rd-4th: AlphaKretin
3rd-4th: KrasherV
5th-8th: yugitom
5th-8th: guiltygearxx
5th-8th: Lt. Labcoat
5th-8th: MBT
Congratulations to all who topped! The following optional deck profiles were all written by the respective tournament participants.
1st Place: Giant Skyhawk's Jurassic Park

What deck did you play and why?
I played Jurassic Park, which is a hybrid of Dinosaur and Giant Ballpark. The original idea for this came from LilShpeeThatCould when he played it in the last tournament, but I thought that his list wasn’t very optimized and left out a few power cards that make the synergy good. I usually always play pure Dino, and after testing I felt that this might be the way to play against the meta right now rather than pure Dino. I also tailored the deck to be able to easily make either Hi-Speedroid Chanbara or Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier to abuse Giant Ballpark. I won the tournament, so I was probably right to play this!
What tech choices did you play?
How did you prepare for the meta, and would you change anything going forward?
Firstly, I’d cut Brionac and Dinowrestler Coelasilat. The theory was that I could clear out backrow and push for game with a Giant Ballpark, but I found that too often people had the disruption to make me go very hard into the minus for no gain at all. Secondly, I’d adjust the extra deck and add a boss monster like Borreload Dragon because I found monster removal lacking in the Extra Deck. I’d also find room for Gagaga Cowboy, as too often the 800 burn damage would have been enough to end games much earlier.
The Side Deck was tailored for Salamangreat and decks with heavy backrow, as those are the two largest problems for both Dinosaurs and for Ballpark. Cosmic Cyclone and Night Beam are the specific options against Salamangreat. Cyclone can banish either the Rage or the Roar so that it can’t be recycled, and Night Beam is a bit of a stopgap measure so that Rage can’t be chained to a removal spell. Chain Hole was to stop handtraps, as a lot of my power cards lose hard to Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring or Ghost Ogre & Snow Rabbit. As well, in Trinity Format it’s a lot more likely that you’re going to resolve the banish effect because multiples are less likely. I opted to keep the Cyber Dragon package in the side to out problematic extra deck monsters and I played Pop-Up for the Ballpark mirror match.
How were your matchups?
Round 1 was against Hero, and it was a tight match. I ended up just generating more beatsticks than he could out of 3 games.
Round 2 was against guiltygearxx on Pendulum, and since this matchup is very high roller I definitely needed to end games fast. I opened poorly G1 and he otk’d me, and in g2 and g3 I had the cards to clear his resources.
Round 3 was against KrasherV on Salamangreat, and I lost this 2-1. It’s another high-roller matchup, and I couldn’t kill him fast enough to out the intense resource recycling of his deck.
Round 4 was against MBT on Weather, and frankly this was a massacre. He didn’t draw a way into any weather monsters, so I just beat him really badly G1 with Ballpark and G2 with Dino.
Round 5 was against yugitom, a fellow Hotel Dusk: Room 215 enthusiast on Kozmo. I lost 2-1, but I disconnected in G1 before we even began playing, won G2, and was about to win G3 when I disconnected again. I’m confident that Kozmo is a very strong matchup for this deck.
I got to prove it by squeaking into top cut for a rematch with yugitom, and I managed to win 2-1 in a very close match!
My Top 4 match was against AlphaKretin on Weather. Game 1 I just played Megalosmasher X beatdown, Game 2 I got blown out by the snowballing power of the Weather Canvas cards, and G3 I played around Timelords really well.
My final match was against Drain Gang Pakistan on Salamangreat. I opened well both games and was able to read and react to my opponents backrow in order to deal damage. Number 101: Silent Honor Ark came in clutch as always in G1, and in G2 I just played correctly and used Lost World to cut off a read Super Team Buddy Force Unite! and the grave effects of Salamangreat Falco and Salamangreat Foxy.
2nd Place: Drain Gang Pakistan's Salamangreat

Drain Gang Pakistan (Get Head with No Seatbelt in last month's tournament) was banned shortly after the cup concluded, and was unwilling or unable to give insight into his build.
3rd-4th Place: AlphaKretin's Weather

3rd-4th Place: KrasherV's Salamangreat