StalkingVengeance Avatar


Card game enthusiast, wiki editor, teacher trainee and writer of the hobby blog Cubic Creativity at

If you have any questions that you think I might be able to answer, feel free to drop me a message. ^^

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Non-Meta Decks
1020 360
Final Countdown Deck A deck featuring the card "Final Countdown", which automatically wins you the game over time; the strategy is therefore stalling till you get there.
- 2 years ago
5,431 0
Non-Meta Decks
600 330
Fabled Deck A deck using the "Fabled" archetype, a glass cannon-type deck that might be weak against negation but can building impressive boards via Synchro spamm
- 2 years ago
5,979 0
Non-Meta Decks
450 420
Raidraptor Deck A "Raidraptor" deck using metallic birds to put up impressive boards when they manage to get around the opposing negates.
- 2 years ago
3,097 0
Fun/Casual Decks
690 450
Iron Chain Deck An "Iron Chain"-deck using "Iron Chain Snake" in combination with other cards to mill the opponent ... or lose the game due to not drawing the right c
- 2 years ago
879 0
Fun/Casual Decks
540 510
Zubaba Deck (Zubaba General OTK) A list featuring the "Zubaba General OTK", which makes use of "Zubaba General's" effect in combination with other stat-increasing or multi-attack-enab
- 2 years ago
1,388 2
Fun/Casual Decks
420 300
Monk Deck A deck using the "Monk" series, an old and gimmicky group of six cards that tries to win via battle and burning the opponent for the DEF value of mons
- 3 years ago
3,131 1
Recent Articles
The "Nordic"/"Aesir" Conglomate: A Glorious Way to Valhalla The "Nordic" archetype had a rough time for most of its lifetime. The meta moved away from placing one big creature on the board, the cards became mor
- 2 years ago
4,946 6
Chemicritter: Making the Best with what Gemini has to Offer Last time, we talked about Ally of Justice, an archetype that suffers from lackluster cards all around. However, that is not the only reason why an ar
- 3 years ago
4,447 2
Ally of Justice: Discover New Ways to Work with Unfavored Archety There are many archetypes one can play in Yu-Gi-Oh!, with various strategies and playstyles to suit different types of players. However, while many of
- 3 years ago
3,406 6