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The King of D.

Views: 127,479 Views this Week: 372

Card Text

This card's name becomes "Lord of D." while on the field. When this card is Normal Summoned: You can discard 1 Spell/Trap; add 1 "The Flute of Summoning Dragon", "The Melody of Awakening Dragon", or "Dragon Revival Rhapsody" from your Deck to your hand.

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Cards similar to The King of D.
Card: Dragon CallerCard: Dragon Revival RhapsodyCard: Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-HeritageCard: Demise, Supreme King of ArmageddonCard: Supreme King Dragon Starving VenomCard: Qliphort HelixCard: Mythical Beast Jackal KingCard: King Dragun
Decks with The King of D.
Banlist History for The King of D.
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