Write your deck strategy here... A current Attempt to modernize genex for the modern era. It abuses certain cards like r-genex oracle, genex undine and summoner monk+genex blastfan for powerful synchro and link plays. The endymion package is played to gain counters for abductor to search guitarr for additional normal summons. Many combos rely on halqifibrax+ auroradon.
Genex Undine Line: Normal Undine, dump rosenix search controller, banish rosenix for token, token make link spider and summon controller, link controller and undine into cherubini, cherubini dump carboneddon, banish carboneddon summon labradorite dragon, link labradorite, cherubini, and link spider into appollousa.
Summoner can summon blastfan, searching either oracle for a halq play, or birdman to make an easy lvl 7 synchro.