Climbed climbed from Plat into Diamond with this list, so I thought I would share it. A high impact endboard that originates from one Sunseed Genius Loci means that I have stuck as many ways to protect the combo from getting interrupted as much as possible. Maxx C and Nibiru will end your turns if you do not have the proper ways to stop them. Adventure primarily handles Nibiru, but the only way to stop Maxx C is with Crossout, Called by the Grave, or Ash Blossom. Maxx C cannot go off against this list unless you want to give your opponent 20+ cards. Other than that, this deck has a variety of ways to play past the other handtraps, as long as you open multiple starters.
The endboard of one of Sunseed Genius Loci will always be a Sunavalon Dryatrentiay, Teardrop, Benghalancer, a set Sunavalon Bloom, and a Sunvine Shrine.