So this is the final build of a Volcanics deck that I have been working on as a fun, fiery casual/decent non-meta deck where I tried my damnedest to make Pyros playable. I don't think this deck will win you a lot of tournaments, and it won't have a flashy OTK or huge boss monster, but I rate it 10/10. The deck is extremely fun to play with an emphasis on using resources effectively and playing one step ahead of your opponent to stay alive. The main strategy is to use the volcanic engine to wipe the opponent's monsters and whittle down their life points and resetting it to go again with RFG and POA. The secondary strategy to fill out the rest of the deck is using Rekindling targets to get access to the extra deck through synchros (or links). You can consistently send the synchro material you need to the grave with Canoneer, Foolish burial, and the volcanic engine, while consistently bring them back with rekindling, call of the haunted, and monster reborn. This consistency makes the deck often run like a well-oiled machine, though it can occassionally get bricked with rekindling targets in hand, there is enough card draw and deck filtering through the volcanic combo and resets that this is a fairly rare outcome. I also run mirror force and magic cylinder for protection if I cannot get scattershot's effect off for some reason, and to keep my opponent guessing as to whether or not they should risk destroying set traps as Blaze Accelerator Reload can be activated from the graveyard. Ogre is my hand trap of choice because this deck struggles most against monster-heavy decks that can rebuild their boards and because ash blossom is not in my budget. Magic planter can be used to send a BAR to the grave for great value and helps Call of the haunted pull double duty as it is not destroyed if the monster it summoned is used as summoning material. Finally, change of heart can be used to use an opponent's monster against them to finish them off and easily removed though link or synchro summoning.
The extra deck is a little different and will be used as a last resort and finishing move. Knightmare cards work great as easy to summon answers to single cards at the cost of discarding a card (usually a monster that can be recurred later). But the main focus is using Formula Synchron and T.G Hyper Librarian to set up for synchroing into bigger cards, namely Crystal Wing Synchro Dragon and Shooting Star T.G. EX. or Shooting Star Dragon These cards are threats that need to be answered and can answer nearly any threat your opponent has on field. Easy access to tuners through rekindling and non-tuners through the volcanic engine means that despite not having cards that search other materials specifically, this deck can still consistently achieve whatever extra deck play you need to stay alive and take the game.
Bonus Option: Look for uses of your opponents' cards as materials with Monster reborn and change of heart
Finally for the Side Deck we have access to more board wipe cards if your opponent sports tons of creatures but no protection, MST if your opponent plays more back row, other hand traps like effect veiler and Nibiru if Ghost Ogre isn't your style, and magic cylinder if your opponent uses single boss monsters or you just want to end the game as fast as possible.
When swapping out for side deck ideally you would trade traps for traps, keeping what is most effectively going to counter your current matchup. Removing any monsters throws off the balance of various level markers needed to get the ideal synchos off, and cards like shell and scattershot require you to run 3 of each. The Spells run in this deck are what extend your plays with card draw, resets, fetches, and your best forms of recursion so I also recommend leaving those alone.