I have spent this month trying to make odd-eyes competitive, and with the current meta, this is the best I can do, this dragon monster mash of a deck has a lot of incidental synagy and recoverability. I am at heart a pendulum player.
odd-eyes revolution dragon as a great light target, the discard to search is not once per turn and helps set the graveyard
rokket dragon destruction effect triggers odd-eyes arc pendulum in scale to summon any odd-eyes monster from hand, deck and graveyard, this is great for extension, it can grab performapal odd-eyes synchron a level 2 tuner, performapal odd-eyes dissolver a monster polymerisation, or odd-eyes persona an effect veiler to extra deck monsters.
performapal odd-eyes synchron, in scale can turn every odd-eyes monster into a level 1 tuner, as a monster is can special summon one of your pendulum cards in scale and synchro immediately, giving access to baronne de fleur using odd-eyes dissolver, or odd-eyes meteor dragon using odd-eyes persona in scale. In a pinch aether and amophage sloth can be used to give you access to the magical dragon for more milling, or borreload savage to protect yourself while building a board.
Performapal odd-eyes dissolver give you access to fusion monster, odd-eyes vortex is an omni negate once per turn, but can also break board as when it is special summoned it can shuffle an face-up attack monster into players hand, trick monsters like mirrorjade won't get the boardwipe effect. When summon correctly odd-eyes arc pendulum, can summon odd-eyes vortex again on destruction from grave triggering it shuffle effect. Borreload furious seem look an odd pick in the build, however you may not have the pendulum monsters on board from odd-eyes vortex, furious dragon will still provide disruption and again the destruction of odd-eyes card trigger can summon persona from deck for a negate.
supreme king dragon package, provide one the normal summon, giving you access to low scales to odd-eyes arc pendulum dragon high (8), the foolish burial and dragon shrine of darkwurm is a free summon and search. Dragon shrine can also foolish an odd-eyes arc pendulum as an extra, thinning the deck and setting up graveyard with dark. Gate zero is actually not your best low scale, that go to odd-eyes persona, it actually the monster effect, destroying itself and odd-eyes card trigger odd-eyes arc pendulum, while summoning a fusion, or syncho dragon, your targets are furious dragon and dragonshell, bare in mind there effect are negated and they have 0 atk/def, what we are after in the graveyard effect, furious dragon allows you to special summon borrelend from grave if your opponent managed to out it, and dragonshell while it can be synchro summoned to recycle borreload savage, magical dragon and baronne, it can equip itself to a monster summoned from the extra deck, on attack declaration allow you to draw a card.
aether and amorphage sloth are your seal targets, aether can banish a monster on special summon, goes to the extra deck and can be pendulum summoned again. Sloth is the side deck alternative, it is big enough to attack over winda when pendulum summoned, but when you have been dark rulered, your can still trigger seal, as it tribute is cost summon sloth preventing your opponent from FTK.
the rest of the deck is just the dragon-link core goodness.
the pendulum best synagy is with rokket tracer and boot sector launch. boot on field is broken for follow up plays, and there is just so much value keeping it on field, and there are times when i used seal to return boot to hand so i could have the followup play. The pendulum monster in scale are great being you face card target for rokket tracer to extend with.
less optimium play result in seal pass, pendulum heavy hand seal pass with vortex, most of your play will end on borrelend and hot red, but the followup in graveyard and extra deck
the hand trap is as you like for your locals, as is you side deck i choose veiler over infinite because it a light target. The cosmic are for anti-spell fragrance, and mystic mine can be dealt with by spiral flame strike, a non once per turn rota and pop when an odd-eyes card is on the field, whether as a monster or in scales.
This month has been difficult with this architype, as pendulum is just not in the best place, but in term of dragon-link it does rise the floor and ceiling by involving another summoning mechanic.
So please have fun and tell me would you think.
Pend best deck!!!