Idea originally by
Nerd Factor on YouTube, optimised by me (
deck idea first published on
Your aim with this deck is to win by Catapult Turtle tributing a 22000+ Cyberse Clock Dragon for FTK. This is achieved with my optimised strategy using Code Talker link climbing.
Key card is Cynet Codec, which lets you search out any Cyberse from your deck with the same attribute as a Code Talker you just summoned. Hard once per turn of course. You search out monsters that can special summon themselves or other monsters easily, search from deck or link off from hand, like Lady Debug, Widget Kid, Code Generator, Backup Secretary, Mathmechs, etc. But do NOT use the effect of Transcode Talker while you are Link climbing!
To have Codec in hand to get the loop started, you have several key cards. The first one is Micro Coder that allows you to search a Cynet spell from your deck when used as Link material, and it can link itself from the hand. Next you have Lady Debug, which can search Micro Coder. Then Cynet Mining, which can search Lady Debug. Altogether that's eleven ways of having Codec in your starting hand, twelve if you play Debug at 3 and 13 if you play One for One.
Then you also want to have Clock Wyvern in your hand to fuse with a Link monster to get Clock Dragon. You might have it in your starting hand or get in one of the ways described above, and off of the link summon of Excode with Codec on field. You can use its on-field effect to make a token, but don't link off Clock Wyvern itself! Cynet fusion is gotten by getting a Clock Spartoi - doesn't matter which monsters you use, you want all your Link monsters in GY anyways.
Then continue to Link summon until you have two preferably high link-rating monsters on field like Bomber Dragon or Avramax, and link into Clock Lizard. Use its effect to return the Clock Dragon you linked off before into your Extra Deck, and fuse Wyvern with as many Link monsters in your graveyard as possible, so that their link rating reaches your remaining deck size (usually ~22-25), and mill the rest of your deck.
Seyfert returns Levianeer to hand, and because we didn't use Transcode's effect before, we can special summon it by banishing 3 LIGHT monsters from GY. This then allows us to special summon Catapult Turtle from GY via Levianeer, and tribute Clock Dragon for 11000+ burn damage turn 1.
As it turns out, this deck is surprisingly consistent, and you can add any cards that go well with the special summon-theme of the deck, like Cache Eve L2 or Linkslayer.