Winning percentage : 78%
Most Winstreak : 15
Nice Hand : have D/D Savant Copernicus and D/D Gryphon
First turn Combo..
1. Normal summon Savant Copernicus and send Necro Slime,then Special Summon Gryphon
2. Make Gilgamesh then place Orhtros and Ragnarok to Pendulum Zone
3. Pendulum summon 2 level 4,then Xyz it to Small Caesar and jump to Marksman
4. Activate Orthros,destroy Orthros and Marksman,then send Dark Contract with Patent License and add Orthros from Extra Deck Face Up
5. Activate Necro Slime in GY to Fusion Summon Small Genghis,then Activate Ragnarok from Pendulum zone to Special Summon Gryphon from GY and Special Summon Orthros from Hand(you can Synchro it to Siegfried earlier)
6. After that, Activate Gryphon to add Vice Typhon and Small Genghis to Special Summon Small Caesar from GY, then link summon Small Caesar and Gilgamesh to Gilgamesh again for Dark Contract with Swamp King
7. Activate Dark Contract with Swamp King for Fusion Summon the Small Genghis using Vice Typhon and 1 D/D Cards, then Xyz 2 Small Genghis to High Caesar
8. Gilgamesh become King Deus Machinex and end turn
Sorry if the explanation is not good.