Domain format is a multiplayer format (meaning more than 2 players). You get a deckmaster, and there are interesting deckbuilding restrictions. Check out the discord here:
Here's my best attempt at a Genex deck. Just hope your opponents are merciful enough to ignore you and take each other out while you dig for the cards you need.
Basic combos:
-R-Genex Overseer (32744558)
It is the deckmaster. Special summon cards from your hand with it to synchro summon if you have no other plays to make.
Jet Synchron
You know the Halq line right? Linkuriboh, summon, Halq, Deskbot, Aurorodon, O-Lion, Borreload, and a 4 star of your choice.
-Double Summon and Ultimate Offering can help you make more than one play per turn, Overload Fusion if the game is dragging out, and try to figure out how to get a Genex Controller and a non-tuner on field at the same time.
Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor.