Tribute monsters, Hieratics have effects that activate when tributed to let you get out Hieratic Seals for XYZ Summoning, Ogdoadics have effects when they go to the GY. Depending on the starting hand, the duel can lean more toward Hieratics or Ogdoadics, although a mix of both often ends up happening. Hopefully, you’ll have some level 4 monsters, and if you have either of the Ogdoadic Remnants then you can send them to the GY to send either a LIGHT or DARK Ogdoadic from the Deck to the GY, which can help set up some tribute-Special Summons from the GY. Then, if you have another level 4 monster, either Hieratic Gebeb or Nuit, or either of the Ogdoadic Boundless you can Special Summon the Remnant from the GY and then Normal Summon the other level 4 monster to overlay them and XYZ Summon King of the Feral Imps. Doing this can allow you to use the King’s effect to set up more Ogdoadic GY tribute-Special Summons. Be sure to detach the material based on which from-the-GY effect you want to use first! [temporarily incomplete description]