Everybody loves Jinzo, unless your deck is dependent on traps. But if you're playing modern Yu-Gi-Oh, this probably isn't the case.
The entire Jinzo archetype seems strangely over-balanced, and not particularly good, but it oozes with style.
In short, get out a bunch of Jinzos, support them with extra deck monsters, and hope it's enough to win.
This is intended to be a casual budget deck, so I didn't include Hand Traps, Kaiju engines, Dragun, Gamma, etc.
Spice up the party with Desperado Barrel Dragon and Heavy Metal Raiders, since your deck is mostly Dark Machines anyways. Since we're main-decking Super Poly, I threw in a little Time Wizard just for extra style points (and because it's searchable by Desperado).
Various "Brain" and "Mind" cards for that Espa Roba flavor. Jinzo - Layered is also included for style, though you should probably never play him.
I'm not quite sure why Konami made half the archetype around trap hate and the other half around taking control of your opponent's monsters, but it doesn't quite work together.
Have fun out there!