Infinite Impermanence (x3 -> x0)
Called by the Grave (x0 -> x2)
Tachyon Transmigration (x0 -> x1)
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and Maxx "C" are the most used staple cards in the Master Duel format.
Maxx "C" generates so much value by punishing your opponent for playing the game. On the other hand, Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring is a way of hindering your opponent while they try build their board.
Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring is also used because its able to neagte the second most played stable Maxx "C", which would be the most played card if only Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring didn't counter it.
In order to combat this, I replaced a mid-tier stable for a hard counter for Ash Blossom & Joyous Spring and Maxx "C". It's called Called by the grave. The Master Duel format only allows for 2 copies per deck so I replaced the 1 copy of Infinite Impermanence with Tachyon Transmigration as running 1 copy of a hand trap isn't ideal, but running a card that is better for going first, providing a free omni-/multi-negation is better than a card that can only target monsters.