I version of the Genex archetype following both the release of DABL and MAMA, and the December Banlist. There are two lines to the deck, one involving Genex Undine that ends on Mirrorjade and One Using Summoner Monk ending on Borreload Savage Dragon(Can be replaced with Baronne de Fleur if available), Mirrorjade, and a set Fog Blade. Bystials serve as both extension and interruption.
Undine Line: Normal Undine,dump rosenix to search controller, rosenix make token to make link spider, spider summon controller, tune controller and undine for mudragon, mudragon fuse for mirrorjade.
Summoner Monk Line: Monk pitch a spell, summon blastfan, blastfan search oracle, oracle summon itself, link oracle for linkuriboh, overlay blastfan and monk for dugares, dugares revive blastfan, search oracle, summon oracle, link all 4 for saryuja, draw 4.Draw both Machine duplication and genex recycled. Saryuja effect, summon recycled(zone doesn't matter). Recycled effect, copy blastfan's name in gy. Machine dupe, target 'blastfan', summon two blastfan from deck, use blastfan effects to search birdman and oracle, oracle effect summon itself. Link Saryuja into zealantis, zealantis effect, banish everything suummon them all back face up. Blastfan effects, search two more genex cards. Tune recycled and a blastfan into accel synchron, accel effect dump jet, make either borreload or baronne(whichever you have). Summon jet by pitching one of the two genex you added off of the second blastfan, summon jet, link jet and zealantis into brute enforcer, then link brute enforcer and oracle into rusty bardiche. Bardiche effect, dump ancient cloak to set shade brigadine. summon brigadine, banish ancient cloak search silent boots, silent boots summon itself, birdman return brigadine to summon itslef, tune birdman and silent boots for mudragon, mudragon effect to fuse itself and bardiche for mirrorjade, silent boots banish itself for fogblade. If you drew into bystials you can use them to make masquerena as well.