Gravekeeper's deck - Pure deck build
Deck Primer
Deck breakdown:
Gravekeeper's Recruiter - ran at two because 3 is just too much. Gravekeeper's Recruiter is mainly used to extend into either Gravekeeper's Commandant to extend to Necrovalley OR if Necrovalley is already up on field (and depending on the situation) Gravekeeper's Recruiter can be used to extend to Gravekeeper's Spiritualist (if there are enough resources in hand or on field to then fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist) OR if there is a Gravekeeper's Spiritualist in graveyard Gravekeeper's Recruiter can be used to extend to Gravekeeper's Headman to then be summoned triggering Gravekeeper's Headman effect to then special summon Gravekeeper's Spiritualist from graveyard and then go into a fusion summon with Headman and Spiritualist to fusion summon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist.
Gravekeeper's Nobleman - ran at 1 because having to rely on opponent having to attack is a drawback. Though it is ran at 1 this card may just be one of the biggest extenders in the deck. Usually Gravekeeper's Nobleman is used to help extend to any of the Gravekeeper's flip effect monsters. Depending on whether Necrovalley (field spell) is up or not really depends on what can be done with Gravekeeper's Nobleman. If Necrovalley is up on field then Nobleman's effect can be used to set a Gravekeeper's Spy to then be flipped and special summon a Gravekeeper's Shaman (Only if enough Gravekeeper's monsters are in grave to boost Shaman's defense) OR Gravekeeper's Spy can be used to special summon a Gravekeeper's Spiritualist setting up the field for a fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist. If Necrovalley is not on the field then Gravekeeper's Nobleman can be used to extend into Gravekeeper's Recruiter to then get a Gravekeeper's Commandant to hand and then extend into Necrovalley OR depending on how many monsters are in the Battle Phase Gravekeeper's Nobleman can be used extend to Gravekeeper's Spy (Gravekeeper's Spy would be special summoned face-down because of Nobleman's effect) to then be flipped and further extend out to Gravekeeper's Recruiter and Recruiter then extending out to Gravekeeper's Commandant and Gravekeeper's Commandant extending out for a Necrovalley field spell. OR Greaveekeper's Nobleman can be used to extend out to Gravekeeper's Guard to help bounce a monster off the field (Gravekeeper's Guard would be special summoned face-down due to Gravekeeper's Nobleman effect). Depending on how many Gravekeeper's monsters are in the graveyard Gravekeeper's Nobleman can also be used to extend out to Gravekeeper's Shaman.
Gravekeeper's Headman - ran at 1 because of low stats YET a VERY strong extender that can help change a tied of the game. Gravekeeper's Headman's effect is triggered when either normal OR special summoned. Depending on the scenario and on whether Necrovalley field spell is up on the field Gravekeeper's Headman can be used in various ways. If Necrovalley is up Gravekeeper's Headman can be used to special summon a Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to then fusion summon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist using both Headman and Spiritualist. OR Gravekeeper's Headman can be used to special summon any level 4 Gravekeeper's monster from graveyard face-down. (Targets include Gravekeeper's Spy, Gravekeeper's Guard, Gravekeeper's Ambusher, Gravekeeper's Descendent, Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist, Gravekeeper's Commandant, Gravekeeper's Heretic, Gravekeeper's Cannonholder, Gravekeeper's Assailant). If both Gravekeeper's Headman and Gravekeeper's Spiritualist are in the graveyard and a Gravekeeper's Chief is tribute summoned, Gravekeeper's Chief effect can be used to target Gravekeeper's Headman to special summon it then triggering Gravekeper's Headman effect to then special summon Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to then go into a Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist.
Gravekeeper's Spy - Ran at 2. Gravekeeper's Spy helps set the board up depending on scenario. Usually a Gravekeeper's Spy will be 2500 defense if Necrovalley field spell is on field OR if both Necrovalley Field Spell is on field and Necrovalley Temple is set this boosts Gravekeeper's Spy's even further (Necrovalley Temple reduces opponent's monsters ATK and DEF by 500 as along as both a Necrovalley field spell is up on field and a Gravekeeper's monster is on field). This theoretically gives Gravekeeper's Spy a 1000 Defense boost meaning that even a monster with 3000 original attack would not be able to out Gravekeeper's Spy while in defense position.
Gravekeeper's Guard - Though a very strong card with the ability to bounce Gravekeeper's Guard is ran at 1 because it does not help further synergy the deck and board. Similar to Gravekeeper's Spy, Gravekeeper's Guard is difficult to out when both Necrovalley and Necrovalley Temple are up and active on field.
Gravekeeper's Cannonholder - VERY underrated card and ran at 1 because similar to Gravekeeper's Guard it does not help further synergy the deck. Is mainly used to inflict damage without having to attack. Mainly used to tribute Gravekeeper's Recruiter to both inflict 700 Damage with Gravekeeper's Cannonholder effect AND to trigger Gravekeeper's Recruiter searching effect. Depending on the duel and opponent's life points sometimes a board/duel is locked and set up with various Gravekeeper's being in defense position. Gravekeeper's Cannonholder can be used to inflict deadly burn damage before OR after a Battle Phase.
Gravekeeper's Assailant - Run at 1 and mainly used to prevent opponent from gaining field advantage with monsters. Aside from Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist, Gravekeeper's Assailant is a very offensive card that helps clear the board 1-by-1. Gravekeeper's Assailant effect to be able to change face-up monster's battle position also helps get rid of monsters that have high DEF yet low ATK.
Gravekeeper's Commandant - In other words Terraforming on legs. Can easily be ran at 3 though I run it at 2 and here's why. There are various ways to get to Gravekeeper's Commandant as mentioned above AND because Necrovalley Throne is being ran at 2. Necrovalley Throne not only acts as another normal summon for a Gravekeeper's monster BUT can be used as a primary way to extend out to Gravekeeper's Commandant. Gravekeeper's Commandant is mainly used to extend out for Necrovalley field spell. Can easily be aran at 3 to learn the in's and outs of main deck by swapping out a Necrovalley Throne.
Gravekeeper's Descendent - Ran at 1. Mainly used to get rid of Spells or Traps. Can also be used to trigger Gravekeeper's Recruiter effect.
Gravekeeper's Ambusher - Ran at 1 - Depending on whether Necrovalley is up on field and whether opponent has a card in graveyard that has of benefit by being graveyard, Gravekeeper's Ambusher flip effect can target a card in opponent's graveyard and return it to the bottom of their deck. Not only that but if Gravekeeper's Ambusher is successfully flipped and sent to graveyard after being flipped face up Gravekeeper's Ambusher can add 1 "Necrovalley" card from graveyard to hand. (being Necrovalley field spell, Necrovalley Temple, Necrovalley Throne, Hidden temples of Necrovalley or Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley)
Gravekeeper's Heretic - Ran at 1. A beast in itself when Necrovalley is up on the field. Gravekeeper's Heretic is unaffected by all other card effects as long as Necrovalley is on the field meaning that ironically Gravekeeper's Heretic does not even get the ATK/DEF boost from Necrovalley. Gravekeeper's Heretic is powerful because not only is it unaffected by all other card effects BUT by having Gravekeeper's Heretic up on field many of the other Necrovalley Spell/Trap activation requirements are met.
Gravekeeper's Spiritualist - Ran at 2. Mainly used to fusion into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist through various routs as mentioned above. Depending on cards in hand the best targets to fusion summon with Gravekeeper's Spiritualist are the higher level Gravekeeper's monsters (Gravekeeper's Chief, Gravekeeper's Visionary and Gravekeeper's Oracle because of Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist effect). When Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist is fusion summoned Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist gains x100 ATK/DEF equal to the combined levels of the fusion materials used to fusion summon. (This on top of Necrovalley field spell's 500 ATK and DEF boost).
Gravekeeper's Chief - Ran at 1. Mainly only tribute summoned if other Gravekeeper's monsters are in graveyard to gain the most benefit out of Gravekeeper's Chief effect. Can be used to extend out to Gravekeeper's Headman to then extend out to another Gravekeeper's monster AND/OR can be used to extend out to a Gravekeeper's Spiritualist in graveyard helping set up a board to fusion summon Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist. Primary target for Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist when in hand.
Gravekeeper's Shaman - Ran at 1 though truly a Gravekeeper's tank alongside Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist. Helps protect Necrovalley from being destroyed, helps prevent opponent from activating a field spell card, gains 200 DEF for every Gravekeeper's monster in your graveyard AND negates all monster effects that activate in the graveyards except "Gravekeeper's" monster effects. Is usually only special summoned through Gravekeeper's Spy effect after having multiple Gravekeeper's monsters in your graveyard. Can be tribute summoned as last resort to protect both Necrovalley and life points and to prevent opponent from activating monster effects from their graveyard. Primary target for Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist when in hand.
Gravekeeper's Visionary - Ran at 1. Gains 200 ATK for each Gravekeeper's monster in your graveyard. Usually only tribute summoned after a couple of Gravekeeper's monster are in your graveyard. Can be protected from being destroyed by discarding 1 Gravekeeper's monster from hand which helps prevent it from being destroyed and helps boost ATK by 200. Primary target for Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist when in hand.
Gravekeeper's Oracle - Ran at 1. Usually only tribute summoned to reduce all opponent's monsters ATK and DEF by 2000 though can be used in many various ways with its other effects. Only requires 1 Gravekeeper's monster for it to be tribute summoned though can use 2 or 3 Gravekeeper's monsters for tribute to resolve more of Gravekeeper's Oracle effects. Primary target for Gravekeeper's Spiritualist to fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist when in hand.
Raigeki - Generic monster removal
Royal Tribute - Ran at 1 though VERY powerful card if it resolves early in the duel. Can easily be ran at 2 by taking Field Barrier out.
Gravekeeper's Stele - Ran at 2. Very powerful in that it can bring back resources that are needed in hand such as Gravekeeper's Commandant to search Necrovalley OR if Necrovalley is already active Gravekeeper's Stele can help bring back Gravekeeper's Spiritualist with another Gravekeeper's monster to then fusion summon into Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist. Can also bring back to hand Gravekeeper's Recruiter to help search Gravekeeper's Commandant after Recruiter has been set or summoned and sent off field into graveyard.
Necrovalley - Ran at 3. The heart and soul of a Gravekeeper's deck.
Field Barrier - Ran at 1. Used to protect Necrovalley.
Hidden Temples of Necrovalley - Ran at 1. Very powerful if its activation is patiently timed. Usually only activated after a board lock has been slightly established OR if Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist is on field alongside another face up Gravekeeper's monster. Can only be activated and stay up on field if both a Gravekeeper's monster and Necrovalley are face up on field. As long as Hidden Temples of Necrovalley stays up on field neither player can special summon monsters except "Gravekeeper's" monsters.
Necrovalley Throne - Ran at 2. Can help normal summon 1 gravekeeper's monster in addition to the turn's normal summon OR can help search a "Gravekeeper's" monster from deck and then add to hand. Another extender to Gravekeeper's Commandant and is ran at 2 because Gravekeeper's Commandant is ran at 2. Can also help set up a board for Gravekeeper's Spiritualist depending if Necrovalley is up on field.
Reload - Ran at 1. VERY underrated card. Helps free up an "brick" hand and can refresh a hand if different cards are needed. Can be ran at 2.
Twin Twisters - Spell/Trap removal that is being ran to benefit Gravekeeper's Stele, Rite of Spirit and Gravekeeper's Headman.
Rite of Spirit - Ran at 2. VERY useful in helping bring back ANY Gravekeeper's monster from your graveyard and is unaffected by Necrovalley. Very useful in bringing back a Gravekeeper's Recruiter or can also be used to bring back a Gravekeeper's Headman triggering Headman's effect to further extend and bring back another Gravekeeper's monster from Graveyard.
Necrovalley Temple - Ran at 2. VERY underrated Gravekeeper's/Necrovalley card. As long as Necrovalley and a Gravekeeper's monster are up on the field Necrovalley Temple helps reduce opponent's monsters ATK and DEF by 500 in addition to Necrovalley already boosting Gravekeeper's monsters ATK and DEF by 500. Not only that but Necrovalley Temple plays a bigger role in a Graveekeper's/Necrovalley deck. During the Main Phase if there is no Field Spell on your field zone you can activate a Necrovalley from your hand or graveyard. (Meaning that if a Necrovalley was destroyed and sent to the graveyard during your OR your opponent's Main Phase, Necrovalley Temple effect activates which allows to to either activate 1 "Necrovalley" field spell from your hand OR re-activate the same Necrovalley that was just destroyed and sent to your graveyard). On top of all of this if Necrovalley Temple is destroyed on the field and sent to the graveyard (regardless of it being face-up or face-down/set) Necrovalley Temple allows you to set 1 "Necrovalley" Spell/Trap from your deck except for Necrovalley Temple onto your side of the field (Whether it be Necrovalley, Necrovalley Throne, Hidden Temples of Necrovalley, or Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley).
Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley - Ran at 2. Pretty much this deck's Solemn Judgement. As long as both Necrovalley and Gravekeeper's monster are up on the field Imperial Tombs of Necrovalley can negate a spell/trap of monster effect activation and destroy it. Usually only used when guaranteed that the card opponent is using is an attempt to out Necrovalley or an established field/board lock.
Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist - Ran at 3. The tank and main protector of Gravekeeper's and Necrovalley. Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist has VERY strong effects that synergies with the whole Gravekeeper's Necrovalley archetype. When fusion summoned gains x100 ATK/DEF equal to the combined levels of the fusion materials used to fusion summon. (This on top of Necrovalley field spell's 500 ATK and DEF boost). As long as Necrovalley and Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist remain up on field, neither Necrovalley nor Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist can be destroyed by card effects. During the Main Phase Gravekeeper's Supernaturalist effect can be activated allowing to search and add either 1 " Gravekeeper's" monster or 1 "Necrovalley" card from deck to hand during that same turn's End Phase. A must at three since it is the only Gravekeeper's extra deck monster currently available.
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