This deck relies on your gem knights to get access to your invoker of madness so you can search invocation to use invoked fusions, aleister is just a filler card rescue rabbits the more important normal summon
Combo Step-by-step
1.This combo requires 1 resuce rabbit (or any combination of cards to get 2 gem-knights on board) plus a normal monster gem-knight in hand
2.Normal Resuce Rabbit and use its effect to summon two gem-knights from deck.
3.Link 1 Gem-knight into a link spider then use link spider effect to special the last gem-knight in your hand.
4.Use the two gem-knights a go into phantom quartz use its effect to search gem-knight fusion, and then use its second effect shuffling 3 gem-knights back to deck to summon lady brilliant diamond.
5.Use her effect to tribute phantom quartz to summon seraphinite.
6.Then summon Curious, using its effect send block dragon.
7.Use block dragon to banish 3 and summon it to the field (try to keep as many gem-knight normal monsters in grave)
8.Link Block Dragon and Curious into Apollusa and use its effect searching gem-knight obsidian,lapis and crystal rose.
9.use obsidian, lapis and fuse them into lapis lazuli using gem-knight fusion, use obsidian to summon lapis back.
10.turn lapis into a link spider (just to send it to grave)
11.use lapis lazuli effect to send a lazuli from deck to grave to add lapis back to hand.
12.Use Gem-Knight fusion from grave to banish a gem-knight to add it back to hand.
13.Use it to summon seraphinite using lapis and crystal rose( due note if u have invoker in hand u havent use seraphinite effect to normal summon so u can actually normal summon it for invocation to skip the need of madness)
14.use crystal rose to banish lady brilliant to summon itself to the field.
15.Make Invoker of Madness, use gem-knight fusion to summon zirconia then use madness effect to search invocation.
16.use invocation summon magalanica and use both zirconia and magalanica to make hope harbringer.
17.use madness again after summoning magallanica and add another invocation . (if u have access to anothe aleister u can summon augoeidas.
And thats your board basically only 3 negates plus a destroy, and now your whole extra deck is gone.