This is my build for Invoked Prank-Kid DPE.
The theory behind this deck was a simple one. I really enjoyed Prank-Kids and was sad to see Cat go. Unfortunately, now the biggest issue is getting the engine going, which is why the Invoked engine makes it even better.
The deck now has 5 searchable poly methods, a combo I was doing was Invocation two Prank-Kids (Rocksies was an MVP) and banish Aleister with the Rocksies, then Invo effect grab back your Aleister and then proceed to combo.
I came up against meta decks such as Punk Synchro, Adventure, etc and the deck performed well. A lot of meta decks cannot function after a full board wipe this format.
The side deck was a choice for my locals and did well, as I cannot take advantage on too many handtraps, I dedicated the deck to going first (hopefully) and setting up my board and then siding for the next games. I put DPE in as it is a draw 2, a free summon off dasher for your Prank Kids and DPE is still a strong card.
I was ended games with Mechaba, Toad, DPE with full Battle Butler and follow up.