Krawlers archetype features flip effect monsters that summon themselves from the deck if your opponent removes it from the field face-up by effects and summon 2 more Krawlers from the deck. The deck slowly gains resources from setting monsters until it can OTK the opponent. The Krawlers are underrated and I feel as if the deck needs some spotlight. The deck also has some space to side in hand traps or whatever answers the current meta. Gozen match is a great choice for this deck as the monsters are all earth attribute.
The steps for this deck is to
Set 1 or 2 Krawler monsters and set Lost wind or other floodgates/Negations.
or if you open The Tindangles, you can S.S from your hand or search the deck for a flip monster using Tindangle jhrelth
Flip The Krawler Monsters with World Legacy Pawns to interrupt during your opponent's turn.
S.S from the deck if your opponent removes your faceup Krawler monster
Stall until enough resources to OTK with Accesscode Talker or Flooding the field with Krawler monsters.
The bug Spray:
The deck can struggle a little bit when the spells and traps are removed but lost wind and galaxy cyclone and lost wind can make up for part of this since it can be milled by World Legacy Survivors. or if removed it can recur itself
Skill Drain can also be a problem and mystic mine, but Galaxy cyclone can help bypass these floodgates.
it is an amazingly fun deck and can even out dragoon and other annoying monsters, Deus X-Krawler is an epic negator where your opponent cannot activate monster effects for the rest of the turn. Do not link off or combo too early, bide your time and dismantle your opponents board little by little until you are sure that you can otk that turn.
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