Ok, so the crux of this deck is understanding how to summon your big boss monsters. This is a going first deck but it also has things like Forbidden Droplet, Nibiru and Maxx C in order to be able to go second. Honestly depending on your hand you might be thankful that you went second instead of first.
For your link and XYZ monsters, Five Star Twilight and Multiply are your BEST friends.
In order for Five Star Twilight to function you need to tribute a 5 star monster, hence why Linkslayer and Red Hared Hasty Horse are in the deck. Both of their effects are ok but they are mostly for Five Star Twilight.
Weirdly, your strongest attacking main deck monster is Kuribabylon but its also not going to be super strong unless it's late game or after a bunch of link summoning after Five Star Twilight was activated.
Zeus + Downerd + Nightingale are in this deck mainly as a back up in case everything goes bad and you can only summon two level 1 monsters. If that is the case, just summon Nightingale, attack directly, summon Downerd and summon Zeus on top of that. That should be a two material Zeus that can clear the field twice.