2024-01-12 14:58:23
+ 3A Legendary Ocean+ 3Instant Fusion+ 1One for One+ 1The Legendary Fisherman+ 1White Aura Whale+ 3Sea Stealth Attack+ 3The Legendary Fisherman II+ 1Abyss Dweller+ 1Neptabyss, the Atlantean Prince+ 1Legendary Atlantean Tridon+ 1Cyber Shark+ 1Atlantean Heavy Infantry+ 1Number 37: Hope Woven Dragon Spider Shark+ 3Warrior of Atlantis+ 2The Legendary Fisherman III+ 2Citadel Whale+ 3Drowning Mirror Force+ 1Poseidra, the Atlantean Dragon+ 1Number 101: Silent Honor ARK+ 1Feast of the Wild LV5+ 2Tatsunoko+ 1Number S39: Utopia the Lightning+ 2Fishborg Launcher+ 1Floodgate Trap Hole+ 1Upstart Goblin+ 1Terraforming+ 1White Aura Dolphin+ 1Deep Sea Diva+ 1Rare Fish+ 1Elemental HERO Steam Healer+ 1Foolish Burial+ 2Rage of Kairyu-Shin+ 1Number 39: Utopia+ 1Solemn Warning+ 1White Aura Bihamut+ 1Number 103: Ragnazero+ 1Sea Monster of Theseus+ 1Full Armored Crystalzero Lancer
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