So, for starters, this is my first deck. Don't expect it to be great. Secondly, the decks main focus is to link summon "Nephthys, the Sacred Flame" using all three Nephthys ritual cards. The combo will look a little something like this
1. Use "Pre-preparation Of Rites" to search for "Conductor of Nephthys", or if you already have it in your hand to search out "Devotee of Nephthys"
2. Ritual summon "Conductor of Nephthys"
3. Use "Conductor of Nephthys" effect to special summon "Cerulean Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys"
4. Use "Drytron Alpha Thuban" effect to get "Devotee of Nephthys" into your hand
5. Ritual summon "Devotee of Nephthys"
6. Link summon "Nephthys, the Sacred Flame"
This is the ideal scenario you want however it can go a bit wrong, that is why "Diviner of the Herald" and "Cyber Angel Benten" are in the deck. In case you don't know how to use "Diviner of the Herald", you will Normal Summon it, then use it's effect to send "Herald of the Arc Light" from your Extra Deck to your graveyard, then use it's effect in your graveyard to add the missing component you need into your hand. "Cyber Angel Benten" simply allows you to add "Diviner of the Herald" to your hand if it's used for a Ritual Summon.