ah yes, you read it right, what is the major problem with P U N K? it doesnt have a why to put a level 8 consistently or without it being fragile... I present to you a my first variant of this mix, it is still hard around the edges! so lots of room for improvement! also, play 3 teleport, i used 2 just to test it out on edo pro in rooms that would let me.... i didnt want to upload this with out playing with strangers!.
How good is it? its pretty consistent i do say so! it has bricks.... YES! but its fun it can play againtst backrow, and the combo with punks is enabled with:
Ze amin, search Fox lady, foxy tune discard + other send to grave; summon Sharakusai, if you have P U N K in hand fusion in a way you only leave Sharakusai on field (you need him to later synchro 11 on oponents turn with a level 8 myutant). Fusion tributes itsef and you summon form deck Madame spider + (insert any punk lvl3 ot Sharakusai if you used him). Search trap with Madem spider.
Halquifibrax for deskbot, Link 3 Aurorodon and later, 3 tokens, deskbot revives, go into cupid pitch, lower level to form 4 to 3, coral dragon, tribute coral + token with link 3 effect to summon Coltwing, your field should be 4 cards in hand, 2 tokens, Sharakusai, level 10 coltwing + Deskbot 01. (CUPID SEARCH PSYCHIC TRACKER)
with the deskbot you can go into a FA. Dawn dragster, or go for a shooting riser dragon (7*) with the 2 tokens (3+3+1). with shooting star send from deck to grave a level 1 and go to baroness. (for now this part sending a level 1 with nothing to use for it i still dont know what so i would love some help)
if this play started by special summoning Ze Amin with foxy first turn, or teleport, go on to your myutant plays, if you had to normal summon it, hopefully you drew the myutant field spell + a myutant. for now its been very consistent for me to put a the fullboard including a level 8 myutant + fleur + Sharakusai + link 3 and 1-2 facedowns, if you started with normal summon Ze amin but havent used your teleport, use teleport for myutatn combo.