Combo 1: (First Step) Play 2 monster cards in the field, with one of them being a level 3 P.U.N.K. Tuner monster. You can either Fusion summon to Rising Carp to summon 2 P.U.N.K. monsters from the deck or basically summon 2 monsters by normal or special summon. Then Link summon to Halqifibrax to special summon Deskbot 001 from the hand or deck. Proceed to Link summon to Auroradon to special summon 3 tokens and Deskbot 001 from the grave. (2nd Step) Synchro summon Herald of the Arc Light, then use the effect of Auroradon by tributing two tokens to special summon Coltwing. With this, your Coltwing will special summon two tokens, which led to Deskbot 001 to be special summoned from the GY (Reminder: Deskbot 001 is not a once per turn card). Use Coltwing (lvl 10 due to its effect) and Deskbot 001 to Synchro summon Amazing Dragon. Then, special summon a lvl 3 P.U.N.K. monster from the GY with the effect of Amazing Dragon.
With this setup, (3rd step) proceed to Synchro Summon Coral Dragon, then Synchro Summon the lvl 9 Karakuri boss monster. Then special summon a lvl 1 Karakuri tuner. With the lvl 9 Karakuri boss monster and a lvl 1 Tuner, proceed to Synchro summon Baronne de Fleur.
Combo 2: Follow step 1 from the first combo, then Synchro Summon C u p i d P i t c h (This one card can basically give you more opportunities to create stronger boards and negates. Nice!). Increase her level to 5 by her effect, then Special summon Coltwing by Auroradon's Effect (Yea expect Coltwing's effect and Deskbot 001's effect). Then, Synchro summon FIRST Amazing Dragon, then Borreload Savage Dragon by using Cupid Pitch and a token. With Cupid Pitch's effect, add Synchron Magnet to your hand, then proceed to activate Amazing Dragon's effect to summon a level 3 P.U.N.K. Monster from the GY. Synchro Summon Hi-Speedroid Kendama, a lvl 6 non-tuner machine monster, then activate Synchron Magnet's effect to special summon itself to the field. Then yea, do the usual Karakuri trick from the first combo to get a free Baronne.
The difference between the two combos: The first combo has a floodgate effect from Herald of the Arc Light, yet vulnerable in battle. It also prevents you from activating cards like Maxx C and Droll and Lock Bird. The second combo, however, has 2 monsters with an Omni-negate and 3 high beatsticks. Since Herald is not present on the field, you can activate cards that has a requirement to be sent from the GY.
These two combos can surprisingly work with a single card (E. Teleport) or two cards (any random card and a Noh-P.U.N.K. monster). But keep in mind that this combo is very vulnerable to hand traps, so yeah, wish you luck on getting a Called by the grave or Crossout Designator in your starting hand. You can also play Droll and Lock Bird to counter Maxx "C", just in case you used the first combo, since that doesn't really require you to add cards from your hand to pull it off.
Opponent's 1st Turn play: Umm... Wish your opponent is ass and not some meta slave Swordsoul DPE player??? What I can tell you, for now, is to negate and bait out opponent's cards as much as possible, depending on your starting hand. Use hand traps as well to disrupt the opponent's plays (or might as well try to make your opponent surrender, lol). Then, when it is your turn, try to pull off the One-Trick Board (either Combo 1 or Combo 2, depending on the situation). Also, keep in mind that you can activate only one of Amazing Dragon's effect each turn, so yea, be careful of your own activations to prevent a misplay.
Reminders: This deck is not-so-perfect, as it is vulnerable by hand traps and negates. It also provides a tiny amount of bricks as well (unless if you really played well) so yeah bear with that. I do not recommend this deck to desperate Master Duel players that are trying to win Ranked Matches lol. Play this deck for fun, I guess. If you have any suggestions, leave it in the comments down below so that, yah, I can be informed on what improvements I could apply.
Oh yea btw you can use Dark Ruler No More and Lightning Storm, in hopes that you can make your own board with ease.
Edit: Btw currently I'm in Platinum 2 with this deck. I can feel myself promoting to Diamond, so yah, wish me luck. And hey, last season, I played consistently at Diamond 3-4 with the first combo, which gives me a good conclusion that this works in Ranked. Good Luck.
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