This consistent Pendulum deck tries to (most importantly) get two monsters on the field to summon "Beyond the Pendulum". After this, the deck simply summons a lot of monsters and summons big negates. "Beyond the Pendulum" also neagtes the effects of cards in the pendulum scales, allowing the use of "Performapal Monkeyboard" without it being a scale 4. The number of spells played in the deck facilitates "Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians", and if you draw duplicates then the "Magicians' Souls" engine helps a lot. "Instant Fusion" is a free extender, which in combination with "Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians" can summon a copy of "El Shaddoll Winda" that will not be destroyed.
Pros: Doesn't die to "Bystial" monsters, boards are consistent to make and hard to break, can play through disruptions
Cons: "Dark Ruler No More", floodgates, dealing with an established board at times