This deck utilizes 3 main engines to fuel your draw power to reach you scales and monsters.
The deck runs the Spellbook draw Engine
2 x Spellbook Magician of Prophecy, 2 x Spellbook of Secrets, and 1 copy of Spellbook of Knowledge.
This is the correct ratio as you are effectively running 4 searchers for knowledge and the duplicate searcher you end with can be sent for cost of knowledge.
The magician engine
Double Iris Magician x1 (duh hes limited) - 1x Harmonizing Magician - 1x Purple Poison Magician - 1x Dragonpit Magician - 1x Performapal Celestial Magician
With all the searching power this deck has you only need one copy of each.
Purple is the best low scale to have after using the searches from Servant of Endymion and Reflection
The Damage boost eff procs the destruction effect.
Harmonizing in hand searches Dragon pit for the level 7 xyz or whatever magician you need most
Double iris is really here since its searchable off of duelist alliance since he's technically a pendulum dragon.
2x Pendulum Calling - 2x Duelist Alliance
The searching as mentioned above.
Pendulum Calling is great for unclogging parts of your hand. It can setup your time pendulumograph.
Duelist alliance searches your pen call, double iris or time pendulumograph.
Endymion Engine.
Servant of Endymion - 3x Spell power mastery - 3x Endymion, the Mighty Master of Magic - 3x Magical Abductor - 2x Mythical Beast Jackal King
Abductor is really versatile here. He can search your boss monster or Jackal for Negate. Abductor on the field can search for your magicans soul.
Generic Draw
3x Allure of Darkness - 1x Into the Void - 1x Upstart Goblin
Magicians engine
3x magicians soul - 2x magicians restage - 1x magicians right hand.
Souls is so good it is a body and unbricks your hands. Restage I'm running at two since the inclusion of the other magician engine reduces the effectiveness of this. Restage is a great extender. Magicians right hand is yet another negate.
Magicans Restage - instant fusion - magicians souls - Selene
restage is a very good extender. Brings back out souls or blue boi. Say you dont have 2 spells to burn for magicians soul. you can link it off do some combos and bring it back with selene to pop cards in your hand/field.
Extra deck.
Millennium-Eyes Restrict - Drawing instant fusion almost essentially guarantees your board and can be recycled by selene
Odd-Eyes Vortex Dragon and Odd-Eyes Absolute Dragon. - free negates and recycles your pendulums in the extra
Abyss Dweller - With the prevalence of GY strategies its a good include but Ill side it out for Tornado Dragon to deal with backrow decks
Timestar magician - Decent body good protection for your scales and can recycle your pendulums
Apollosua Bow of the Goddess - Great negation Great arrows what else do you want
Crowley, the first propheseer - starter for the spellbook engine
Daybreaker the Shinging Magical Warrior - its effect is okay the spell counter can be useful and its a decent target for selene to link climb
I:P masquerena - Super versatile great link into unicorn on your opponents turn for more disruption.
Ningirsu the world chalice warrior - none targeting, non destruction removal for dragoon.
Saryuja Skull dread - Extender and can unbrick hands, honestly could be cut for another copy of selene
His issue is if it gets handtrapped you burnt a lot of resources into him.
2x Selene, Queen of the Master Magicians. - Honestly one of the best xtras for pendulum. Its an extender with great arrows. It can summon souls to field or restrict, or any combo piece in your gy. The spell counters can enable synergy with the rest of the Endymion cards.
Side board
This is the area with the least amount of testing so far.
for decks to break large boards you can side out the spellbook engine for the Sphere mods and the nibiru or dark ruler no more.
And honestly dark ruler no more is just b/c forbidden droplets is expensive. Duster and reboot for backrow decks.
Mystic Mine :)
prankratops is good value and versatile.
Tornado is good if you are siding out the spell book engine you can side out the link monster.
Though for game 2 if you are going second and you sided out the spellbook engine. Crowley can be good handtrap bait.