The new Prediction Princess support from DABL solves a big issue that the Deck used to have which was having no Flip Monsters in rotation for Prediction Princess Tarotrei to make use of. Prediction Princess Bibliomuse is a new Level 9 in-archetype Flip Monster and Nether Prediction Princess Tarotreith is a new Flip Ritual Monster. Both of them solve this issue by allowing for better access to Flip Monsters, even if you don't immediately have any in rotation. However, the new support also has brought along a new problem. The Deck is now extremely reliant on Bibliomuse and without any in-archetype searchers, it can be hard to access their new plays.
We play 3 Prediction Princess Tarotrei as it enables all of your interaction on your opponent's turn. If you don't know what it does, it Specials a Flip Monster from hand or GY during the End Phase and you can Flip a monster face-up or face-down during either player's turn. 1 Nether Prediction Princess Tarotreith. This card is the first Flip Ritual Monster and its Flip Effect Summons a Flip Monster from Deck face-down and it can Flip any number of monsters you control face-up or face-down. We only play 1 because it is a soft-brick in the Deck that should only be searched off of Bibliomuse. You NEED Tarotrei to Flip this card up during your opponent's turn. It does almost nothing on its own. 3 Prediction Princess Bibliomuse. This can Summon itself face-down when it is Tributed and its Flip Effect adds a Prediction Princess Monster and a Ritual Spell from your Deck to your hand. It also has an on-field effect to prevent your Rituals from being targeted or destroyed. This was the best card to come out of the new support. It is good Ritual fodder as it can just Summon itself back and it can even search 2 cards to allow you to make another Ritual immediately and it even gives insane protection to your Rituals. The Deck is heavily reliant on this card being in your hand as Ritual fodder so we must play 3. 2 Pot of the Forbidden and 2 Deus X-Krawler. These are your Flip targets for Tarotrei and Tarotreith and they can also help with making Rank 9's when Summoned by World Legacy's Monstrosity. 3 Spirit of the Fall Wind and 3 Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. This Deck does not have an in-archetype Normal Summon, so we can get away with playing these. Manju helps get missing Ritual cards and Spirit helps search Bibliomuse or a Flip Monster to get into rotation. 2 Ash Blossom and 2 Effect Veiler as potential disruption options and Crossout targets.
3 Prediction Ritual and 3 Nether Prediction Ritual. Prediction Ritual enables Pre-Preparation of Rites as it lists Tarotrei in its effect, but the biggest thing to keep in mind is that it can ONLY Ritual Summon Tarotrei. You cannot Summon Tarotreith with this card. You can only Ritual Summon Tarotreith with Nether Prediction Ritual which can Summon a Prediction Princess from hand or GY in face-down Defense which sets up Tarotreith's Flip Effect. It can also banish itself during the Standby Phase in order to Summon a non-Ritual Prediction Princess from Deck face-down. The non-Ritual Prediction Princess monsters are either bad or too restrictive with the exception of Bibliomuse, so she is your only target. But this card pairs nicely with Tarotreith's on field effect anyways. 2 World Legacy's Monstrosity. This card puts Flips into rotation and is a 1 card Rank 9, but you don't want to see it that frequently anymore, now that there are better ways to get Flips into rotation, so we only play 2. 1 Called by the Grave. 3 Pot of Prosperity. 3 Pre-Preparation of Rites. 2 Crossoutout Designator and 2 Infinite Impermanence. The Impcantations do not work well with the new Support as you want to use Bibliomuse as Ritual fodder to access her effects rather than tributing off 2 Impcantations, so we aren't playing any. Because of this, we need a lot of generic search Spells, especially since there aren't any in-archetype ones, and to ensure they resolve, we are playing Called by and a Crossout package.
You will almost never go into the Extra Deck, but we are just playing some Rank 9's and some Xyz goodstuff. 1 Divine Arsenal AA-ZEUS - Sky Thunder, 3 Phantom Fortress Enterblathnir, 3 Nine-Lives Cat, 3 Infinitrack Earth Slicer, 2 Sacred Tree Beat, Hyperyton, 1 Number 92: Heart-eartH Dragon, 1 Number F0: Utopic Draco Future, and 1 Number F0: Utopic Future.
Side Deck we are playing 3 Lava Golem because this Deck does not really need its Normal Summon all the time and its good removal. 2 Nibiru, 1 Ghost Belle, and 1 Droll as more Crossout targets and handtrap options. 3 Dark Ruler No More, 3 Lightning Storm, 1 Harpie's Feather Duster, and 1 Red Reboot. You really want your plays to go through and you need all the help you can get to break an established board.
At minimum, full combo is access to Prediction Princess Tarotrei + Bibliomuse in hand. You want to Ritual Summon Tarotrei using Bibliomuse. Bibliomuse will Summon herself from GY face-down. Tarotrei's effect Flips Bibliomuse face-up. Now, you can use Bibliomuse's Flip Effect to add Nether Prediction Ritual and Nether Prediction Princess Tarotreith from Deck to hand. If you have a Level 9 Flip Monster in hand, you can use that to Ritual Summon Tarotreith or you can just use Bibliomuse on field. Nether Prediction Ritual will Summon Tarotreith face-down. Now, if you Tributed Bibliomuse for Tarotreith, Tarotrei can Summon her back during the End Phase or Tarotrei can Summon the other Level 9 Flip you Tributed from hand. During your your opponent's Standby Phase, Nether Prediction Ritual can banish itself to Summon a Bibliomuse from Deck face-down if you want. Then, Tarotrei will Flip Tarotreith face-up and Tarotreith will Summon preferably Deus X-Krawler from Deck face-down. Then, Tarotreith's other effect can flip the Deus X and whatever other Flip monsters you have facedown up. Deus X negates all activated monster effects on your opponent's field while Bibliomuse will search for more Ritual access for next turn.
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