This deck is probably the most consistent Dark Magician deck ever played. Reason is that it synergizes around the cards it plays and interact with. I will show you examples of why these choices are best.
Your goal is to search both Rod for SoDM and Souls for DM (or DMG) to bring out The Dark Magicians. But this will show you other ways to draw and search other cards that can useful.
Rod can search: Circle, Bond, SoDM, Servant, Inheritance, DBM, and Eternal.
Illusion can search: Rod, Timaeus, DM, DMG, Apprentice, and Souls.
Servant can search: Rod, Illusion, DM, DMG, Apprentice, Souls, Circle, Bond, SoDM, Servant, Inheritance, DBM, Eternal, and even itself.
Restage can summon: Souls (for a extender to bring out Crowley and a draw), Rod, and Spellbook Magician.
Crowley can search: Magician, Secrets, Knowledge, and Power (so you wont waste your normal summon, also you can add any Spellbook cards to your hand, super underrated underused card btw, def your key card also).
Preparation can search Illusion and can be used for a draw (by Souls) and can be used for a banish (by Inheritance). Good synergy to have it at 3!
Magicalized can summon: Dragoon or Quintet (to backup Dragon Knight or Master of Chaos) to destroy monsters.
SoDM can OTK by attack or disrupt by summoning destruction: TDMs, Quintet, and Chimera (also who can draw cards).
Inheritance can banish Preparation, Restage, and etc Spell Cards you already used to search any DM Spell/Trap, including Servant and Eternal.
You can still pull off the Bond combo to destroy the opponents field and you can setup the Dragon Knight lock combo also.
This deck has a lot of combos and synergy. Very consistent opening hands as well.
Tech choices: Piercing the Darkness = Spellbook of Power, Bond & DBM = Navigation & Combination, 2 Inheritance & 2 Prep = 1 Inheritance & 3 Prep and 2 Apprentice = 1 DMG.
Another tech choice can be Branded Fusion (at 2), Albaz (at 1), Lubellion (at 1), Albion (at 1). The synergy would be to dump any DMs, DMGs, Palladiums for draw power while setting up the Dragon Knight lock. Also you can dump Souls in case if you have Restage in your hand to bring it back for a draw extender also.
Best deck easily!
Enjoy the deck! More new Dark Magician support on the way!