Fabled? Ahhh it's on of these Hidden Arsenal trash piles that do nothing right? NO! Unlike some strange subjects that came out of Hidden Arsenal Fabled is one of the Archetypes that is very much functional.
But beware playing Fabled takes a lot of practice since there's always at least 10 different ways to go within this Deck and one play can set you onto a path which you can't change after you decided to walk it.
Let me explain more in Detail what this Deck is all about:
The Starting Point
Almost every card is a Starter in this Deck which makes it difficult to pinpoint down one specific one. Your Goal is to summon multiple copies of Fabled Ragin while emptying your Hand to get to a wide lineup of Fabled Synchros or alternatively Cosmic Blazar Dragon and or Red Supernova Dragon. Almost every Fabled Monster is missing a once per turn Condition making big Combo setups very easy.
To facilitate advantage onto the field cards like Fabled Krus and The Fabled Cerburrel exist which special themselves or another Monster onto the field when discarded. Monsters like Fabled Raven or Fabled Marchosia enable the discarding to trigger these effects. Every maindeck Fabled follows one of these 2 patterns. Helping to discard or wanting to be discarded.
Here it's important to remember that Discarding is not Sending. Fabled Soulkius sends 2 cards to the GY so he won't trigger the Fabled effects, which you sometimes actually want.
The Special Subject
The Fabled Unicore has to get it's own paragraph here. It's one of only 2 Monsters existing the other being Cyber Blader which has the ability to negate everything if certain Conditions are met. And with everything I mean EVERYTHING! Since the effect acts as a permanent effect like Skill Drain for example it can negate Counter Traps, Super Polymerization and everything normally unrespondable and destroy these cards.
To have this effect active both you and your opponent have to have the same amount of cards in their Hand. Thanks to the nature of Fabled Monsters it's best used as a agressive tool to go for game without being interrupted. Cards like Dianaira, Ragin, Andwraith, Leviathan and the Trap Treason can give this ability a nice twist and surprise the opponent during his turn too with correct setup.
Certainly a card to look out for but only if the Situation allows. Pro Tip: Summoning Unicore first turn and passing is not good within this Deck!
The other Stuff to look out for
Dianaira changes the effect of the first Normal Spell activated from the opponent each turn to you discarding one card instead. Gallabas can Destroy Monsters by discarding cards without a Once per Turn. Cat Sith mandatory destroys one Face Up card if she's discarded. De-Synchro is mainly to loop Fabled Ragin more often but you can also De Synch an opponents Synchro Monster with it if you are desperate.
Fabled Treason can also destroy your own face up cards or an opponents one, discard one of your cards and revive one Monster all written to be able to destroy your own Leviathan to Recycle any 3 Fabled Monsters back to Hand. Your big 3k LV10 Boss Monster Leviathan sadly misses timing sometimes if the opponent deals with him.
Andwraith Draws 2 and discards one but the opponent can discard one card to negate this effect. If he discards a Monster you can summon it to your side. Since Andwraith triggers on special summon he's a nice target to be brought back with Treason to force the opponents Hand and potentially unlock the perfect Unicore Lockdown.
Final Words
Fabled struggles to set up a strong Wall but can easily overwhelm the opponent in one turn through massive Special summoning. But winning with this Deck takes practice since there's a lot that can go wrong if you choose the wrong Monsters to bring to your field at the wrong time. It's almost like Math.
Practicing this kind of Deck will reward you greatly with one easy to understand but very hard to master Deck. Give it a try if you feel up to take this challenge of a Deck.
Overall Rating: ★★☆☆☆☆