Any 1 of Magileine/Petingcessoeur/Anjelly in the opening hand are enough to begin the combo. Deck aims to OTK turn 2 or 4 at worst, aim to go second always because you need the extra card and can't afford to give your opponent the chance to break your board. Should be good enough to reach plat V assuming you don't get too unlucky with matchups breaking your win streak. Dies a gruesome death against Heralds and Utopias, most other things can give you a rough game if you don't get a good opening hand with handtraps or misplay them. Not the perfect Madolche deck by any means and quite expensive as far as Master Duel decks go.
Combo is usually:
Magileine normal -> search for Petingcess -> Special Petingcess -> Special Anjelly -> Tribute Anjelly to special Hootcake -> Special Messengelato -> add Chateau/Salon or Ticket depending to game state. -> XYZ summon Tiaramisu and Link summon Fresh Sistart -> Use Tiaramisu's effect to send back the cards used to link summon Fresh Sistart to shuffle back to the deck the opponent's most dangerous cards. Once you get the three spells up on the field you can recycle and search a lot and the deck snowballs from there. Sometimes you don't even need to link summon Fresh Sistart as you might get enough Madolches on the field to OTK.