It's a simple Qliphort deck with the option to play high-rank XYZ-Monsters with Anchor drill. Anchor drill allows you to special one EARTH Machine monster from your hand (which all Qliphorts are) and with it's effect it allows to change both monsters level to the sum of their BASE-level. The effect of the qliphorts allow you to either go for Rank 4-XYZ or, if you activate Anchor drill, any rank 9 or higher (dependent on the qli you specialed):
Scout and Monolith 9 (You rarely want to special these, so no rank 9s are in here)
Helix or Carrier 10 (Superdreadnoughts)
Cephalopod and Disk 11 (Cephalopod is bad, Disk just once, also there are no good rank 11s except liebe)
And Stealth as well as shell 12 (seven sins and zeus)
Since all Qlis (except scout which can search other qlis, and towers) are 2400/1000 or 2800/1000 you can use that for tenacity as a draw-engine with pantheism and march (only once, because locking you out of the extra deck is an extreme measure)
Since all qlis lock you out of specials which are not qlis themselves, you need to either pull any Extra-Deck-plays (as well as urgent schedule) before activating your scout or you use wavering eyes to your advantage, which can give you scout (it's effect is a soft OPT, so you don't really lose anything except maybe Monolith).
Besides that you can use wavering eyes to thin out your deck and/or cycle cards into the extra deck.