S-force or Security Force are one of the 7'ish Column based decks and for most people watered down Mekk-Knights, but lets look at the positives that this Justice League has!
S-forces can play under two incredible floodgates There Can Be Only One and Dimension Shifter Likes, this build doesnt run Tcboo since their new support conflicts with it, S-Force Nightchaser their newest Link-1 helps their swarming by bouncing any of your S-forces which includes itself to summon one banished S-Force monster, now you gotta be asking yourself "Frog do they have a way to banish their own cards?" and the answer would be kinda S-Force Rappa Chiyomaru is the main way you will be banishing since she can banish from hand to summon any S-Force from deck, S-Force Orrafist and S-Force Lapcewell can also banish from your hand but you wont be seeing them in the field too often, some of their cards do help to balance out the banishing, S-Force Retroactive and S-Force Chase can banish themselves from the Gy instead of you banishing an S-force from hand and S-Force Pla-Tina helps them revive the banished S-forces.
And thats kinda why you run Bystials in the deck, 3x Bystial Magnamhut , 1x Bystial Druiswurm and 1x Bystial Baldrake , because all S-forces are Light or Dark monsters that like to be banished! Which also lets the deck run Dimension Shifter and Topologic Zeroboros .
Now at the start of this I mentioned how they are a part of the Column mechanic gang, their effects apply in all columns that you control S-force monsters, Pla-tina makes them lose 600Atk, Rappa makes so they can only target monsters in their own column, Orrafist can QEff banish from hand to pop a monster that activated its effect, Gravitino is works like Fissure, Razor stops them from going into Link-3s or higher, Lapcewell nukes those columns, Dog Tag stops your opponent from activating effects. Their effects are all over the place, the ones you care most about would be Gravitino and their boss monster S-Force Justify which can drag monsters to its column to negate their effect as long as he points to them and can banish every monster it points to when it battles.
The deck is a little better now with Nightchase, but it still needs some extra support to get a more competitive edge, which hopefully will be granted to us in the future, but until then watch out your columns...? Maybe one day aliens will become meta and Alien Infiltrator will be a broken meta destroying card, 800 direct attack? that like, powercreeps Penguin Torpedo lol?