This deck is made to break your opponents board, so you always want to start second. There are three engines in this deck:
- Windwitch and synchro summoning
If you have Ice Bell in your hand, you are able to perform this engine. This is most of the time the first thing you want to do, except when you don’t have at least one of the other two engines in your hand. After special summoning Ice Bell, Glass Bell and Snow Bell, you will be able to summon one of the Clear Wing dragons. Most of the time you will summon Clear Wing Fast Dragon, but there are some situations in which you will summon the other one. After that you will summon the Crystal Wing. The Crystal Wing will also be protected against being destroyed by card effect because you used Snow Bell, which will make it a really powerful monster.
- Shino ritual summoning
Summoning shino monster is really easy with this deck, because you have a lot of level 8 cards. With Shinobird Calling, you can also summon a Shino monster by banishing one from your grave. You will use the shino monsters to easily clear out your opponents deck. If you start first turn, you still want to ritual summon one of the two shino monsters. Even though they will return to your hand, they will summon two tokens. Also if you have Power Spot on the field, you can add one shino or ritual card to your hand.
- Spellbook
You will use this engine to get a lot of draw power (which you do need).
The Gadarla cards are also really good, because this will easily help you get rid of your opponents boss monsters. You can re-use them, by returning them to your hand with the effect of Shinobaron.