"Spright" monsters are capable of swarming the field with Level/Rank/Link-2 monsters. "Spright Blue", "Spright Starter" and "Spright Jet" would start your plays to summon "Gigantic Spright". "Gigantic Spright" is also able to summon any Level 2 monster from the Deck, which makes them synergize well with archetypes like "Frog", "Live☆Twin" and "The Agent". Then, you are able to use the additional resources to summon other Rank/Link-2 monsters, like "Spright Elf" who is able to revive a Level/Rank/Link-2 during the opponent's turn, or "Spright Carrot"/"Spright Red" to negate the opponent's plays.
This build has a focuses on the frog Taodally Awsome engine.
Foolish Burial (1card combo) is used to send Anglar to grave. special summoning teo beavers from deck. link Sprind send Anglar for beaver. XYZ gigantic SS Swap. (if you have anoth monter in hand it can be summoned to link into elf to give gigantic protection.
swap effect sends other material to gave to compete combo. beaver in hand also can give soimilar results.( i have left a few steps out. hopfully the combo is readly apparent.
Double cross have been taken doen to two in this build as it is a great turn "0" card, but it is not procative enugh to break boards. comboing with toad it is or stealing OP monster makes Double cross a staple for the build even at 1.
Spright Gamma Burst on the other hand is proactive, allowing otk pushes or getting over the major drawback of the deck; being your monsters have low attack. with burst you gain added protection that can buy an out.
on viewing it can be seen the deck is heavyly relient on combos. if you are playing as player2 the main deck is equiped to handle most decks of the mata as is.
test this build in a few games first and change to your preffence.