The Decks main strategy is to go first is to use
"Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda" to set up a 2 material
"Springans Merrymaker" (with a
"Springans Captain Sargas" if you drew it or searched it off
"Springans Watch") then use floodgate cards such as
"Barrier Statue of Inferno" &
"Anti-Spell Fragrance" to lock your opponent out of playing the game. Now, you may say that "Well they can just normal summon a monster with 1000 or more ATK to beat over the barrier statue" but that is where you're wrong! Because
"Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda" is a recent field spell it has 3 effects, one of those being that when an Xyz Monster leaves the field by a card effect, it can target 1 monster your opponent and prevent it from attacking. It wins in the grind game due to you being able to continuously pop your opponent's cards with
"Springans Ship - Exblower" and
"Barrage Blast", always have an omni-negate only with
"Springans Interluder" and always be able to resummon the Xyz with
"Salamangreat Sunlightwolf" recycling your Springans for discard fodder.
Going second the Deck isn't nearly as strong, however, it has
"Springans Ship - Exblower" to help- bait out negates and, in the scenario where they don't have them, pop a ton of their cards. If playing the deck you should make sure to pack your side deck with tons of cards to accommodate for this weakness of going second. The deck also plays 8 hand traps in the main deck which is the optimal number if you want to draw 1 per hand. They also only summon once or twice allowing them to play under winda and Summon limit extremely easily.
Explanation of the important cards in the deck:
Springans Captain Sargas: drident on your opponents turn by detaching material from an xyz.
Barrier Statue of the Inferno: You can Special Summon, your opponent cannot.
Springans Watch: Terraforming, OR: ROTA and foolish.
Great Sand Sea - Gold Golgonda: Cheats out xyzs and prevents attacks.
Springans Interluder: omni-negate every turn.
Barrage Blast: Salamangreat Rage if it was a continuous Trap.
Anti-Spell Fragrance: No Spells, No harpie's, No lightning storm.
Springans Ship - Exblowrer: BOOM!
Springans Merrymaker: Armageddon Knight, then sends Titanklads on your opponents turn.
Thanks for reading. Bye.