The Deck is pretty versatile and can get out Synchros of many different Levels. The ones i used are pretty much just examples and you can switch them out with anything (same with the Side). Though i would definitely recommend using Halqifibrax, since Synthess can copy the effect of the Tuner you summon with it and Rocks, since getting back a Symphonic Warrior from the Extra can help alot with extending your combos and it can profit off the Level increase Effect of Basses. In addition to that Stardust Warrior can also be helpful, since it can summon a (face-down) Warrior Rocks, when it leaves the Field (main reason i used 2 copies of Rocks here). You can summon Stardust Warrior relatively easy with any level 7 Synchro plus Halqifibrax tagging into Shooting Riser and sending a Level 4 to the Grave (mainly Synthess to have another free Summon on your next turn). Hi-Speedroid Clear Wing Rider can also be Summoned pretty easily, because most Synchros i used and all the Symphonic Warriors are Wind (Speedroids in general work well with Symphonic Warriors. So do Windwitches and Dragunity.). Virtual World Kyubi can also reset Synthess to use it again (only the Pendulum Symphonic Warriors have hard once per turn Effects). Now to the combos. They can be both very linear and also not. With Deejays/Guitaar to Summon Deejays and Stardust Synchron/Stardust Illumination to mill Synchron in Hand you can directly Summon Majestic Star Dragon or Shooting Majestic Star Dragon (you need Illumination in your Grave to Summon Shooting Majestic Star).
Summon Deejays and Summon another Monster with it's Effect
Tribute the seccond Monster with Synchron's Effect
search Arrive in Light, activate it and place Converging Wills Dragon on your Deck
Tune Deejays with Synchron for Stardust Dragon, Draw the Dragon and Summon it and Brotaur from your Deck with it's Effect
(optional) Discard 1 for Brotaur's Effect and Target Stardust to search Arma Gram for another Beater and a Negate on your Turn (you could also search Dragonruler Tempest or Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon, if you are playing around with Dragons more)
now you could use the Effect of Illumination to Summon Shooting Majestic Star or just go into the normal Majestic Star
As for the Symphonic Warriors themselves, they can have some interesting plays depending on what cards you draw (mainly if you have Dress Rehearsal or Symph Amplifire or not). They do however have one 2 Card combo that could be considered as their main starting play.
Summon Deejays and Summon Synthess (face-down) with it's Effect
activate Guitaris' Pendulum Effect to bounce itself and Deejays
activate Deejays' Pendulum Effect to Flip Synthess face-up
Synthess Flip Effect activates to let you Search a Symphonic Warrior-Monster (Miccs and Guitaris can Special themselves, when you have the Spells on the Field and when you have Summoned Deejays via Guitaar and still have your Normal, you can use that Search for another copy of Guitaar for it's Revive on Normal Effect instead. Alternatively you can use Guitaris' on Summon Effect to bounce the Guitaar from your Pendelum Zone to then Summon it)
Deejays' Effect activates after Synthess' Effect resolves to Summon itself back to the Field
This is my first time submitting a Deck, so don't expect it to be the best, but i am having fun with it haha Personally i'm not the biggest fan of Handtraps, so you could probably enhance it yourself by putting in some copies of Ash Blossom and similar. The Deck itself is very fragile, when it has to go against Ash or Nibiru, but when you Draw the Cards you need and don't get disrupted, you can make some impressive Boards. Also before i started with this Deck i haven't played much with Pendulums. I didn't even know that they had to be Summoned from the Extra to Linked Zones haha There might be some generic Pendulum Support that could have helped the Deck lots.
Well anyways thanks for taking the time to look at this and if you have a Deck that could profit from another Normal Summon, 3 Guitaar with 1 Miccs might help lol