Hello, this is a 60 Step Synchron Deck. You need to take more than 10 Minutes to make your first turn board with 6+ negations. There are different combo sequences but one main sequence which I explain to you. If you mastered this combo, please message me. This is only for advanced players.
1 Tuner + Junk Converter
Activate Junk Converter, discard one Tuner; add Junk Synchron to your hand
Normal summon Junk Synchron and target Junk Converter and special summon it in defense position.
Go straight into Junk Speeder (Extra Monster Zone) and declare it’s effect as Chain Link 1 and Junk Converter Chain Link 2
Junk Converter special summons one tuner (do not special summon Stardust Synchron with Junk Converter!)
Junk Speeder special summons every other synchron monster. You need to have every synchron Monster with a different level. Like this: Jet Synchron, Fleur Synchron, Junk Synchron, Stardust Synchron and Quickdraw Synchron. Your Field should be full.
Declare effect Stardust Synchron; get Arrive in Light into your hand.
Use Junk Speeder (Level 5) and Fleur Synchron (Level 2) to go into Power Tool Dragon (Level 7)
Do not use Fleur Synchron unless you bricked with Omni-Dragon Brotaur, then you can special summon Brotaur and use it’s effect.
Activate Power Tool Dragon; show your opponent all three copies of Living Fossil and then you get one for free.
Activate Arrive in Light and put Converging-Wills Dragon on top of your Deck.
Use Jet Synchron (Level 1) and Power Tool Dragon (Level 7) to go into Crystalwing Synchro Dragon (Level 8)
Activate Arrive in Light to draw one; do not activate Jet Synchron (This messes your Combo up)
Converging-Wills Dragon now will trigger, because it‘ s drawn, special summon it and special summon one copy of Omni-Dragon Brotaur from your Deck
Activate Brotaurs effect and target Junk Synchron, discard one (Black Garden, Living Fossil, Doppelwarrior, something you don’t need) and get one copy of Doppelwarrior.
Use Stardust Synchron (Level 4) and Omni Dragon Brotaur (Level 1) to make T.G. Hyperlibrarian (Level 5)
Now Stardust Synchron is in your GY and you can activate it’s effect to tribute Quickdraw Synchron to special summon it
Now trigger Doppelwarrior to special summon it.
Use Converging-Wills Dragon (Level 1) and Crystalwing Synchro Dragon (Level 8) and Doppelwarrior (Level 2) to make Majestic Shooting Star Dragon (Level 11)
Chainlink 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian and Chain Link 2 Doppelwarrior; Doppelwarrior summons two Doppel Tokens (Level 1) and T.G. Hyperlibrarian let’s you draw one
Use Stardust Synchron (Level 4) and one Doppel Token (Level 1) to make Accel Synchron (Level 5).
G. Hyperlibrarian let’s your draw another (+2)
Use Accel Synchrons effect to send another Stardust Synchron to your GY; reduce the level by 4. Accel Synchron becomes Level 1.
Use Accel Synchron (Level 1) and the last remaining Doppel Token (Level 1) to make Celestial Double Star Shaman (Level 2)
Chain Link 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian and Chain Link 2 Celestial Double Star Shaman
Celestial Double Star Shaman only special summons one Doppelwarrior.
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +3
Use Junk Synchron (Level 3) and Doppelwarrior (Level 2) to make Garden Rose Maiden (Level 5)
Chain Link 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian, Chain Link 2 Garden Rose Maiden and Chain Link 3 Doppelwarrior
Doppelwarrior summons two Doppel Tokens again (Not once per turn!)
Garden Rose Maiden gets you access to Black Garden
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +4
Now use Celestial Double Star Shaman (Level 2) and one Doppel Token (Level 1) to make Martial Metal Marcher (Level 3)
Chain Link 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian and Chain Link 2 Martial Metal Marcher
Martial Metal Marcher summons one Junk Synchron from your GY
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +5
Use Junk Synchron (Level 3) and one Doppel Token (Level 1) to make Herald oft the Arc Light (Level 4)
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +6
Use Herald of the Arc Light (Level 4), Garden Rose Maiden (Level 5) and Martial Metal Marcher (Level 3) to make Quasar or Blazar.
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +7
Now it’s very likely that you have drawn into one copy of Synchro Overtake and one copy of Doppelwarrior
Activate Black Garden
Activate Synchro Overtake; reveal Junk Warrior and special summon one Junk Synchron from your GY
Chain Link 1 Black Garden and Chain Link 2 Doppelwarrior
Doppelwarrior summons itself
Black Garden gives your Opponent a Rose Token with 800 ATK
Now Black Garden triggers again because of Doppelwarrior and gives your Opponent another Toke
Activate Black Garden; destroy itself and every plant-type monster on the field and special summon one monster with the combined ATK statline oft he destroyed monsters; you special summon Garden Rose Maiden
Now use Junk Synchron and Doppelwarrior to make Junk Warrior
Chain Link 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian and Chain Link 2 Junk Warrior
Junk Warrior gets 0 ATK
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +8
Search Junk Synchron if you can
Activate Living Fossil and target Celestial Double Star Shaman and special summon it
Use Junk Warrior (Level 5), Garden Rose Maiden (Level 5) and Celestial Double Star Shaman (Level 2) to go into Quasar or Blazar
Chain Link 1 T.G. Hyperlibrarian and Chain Link 2 Arrive in Light
Special summon Junk Synchron from your hand with Arrive in Light
G. Hyperlibrarian goes +9
Use T.G. Hyperlibrarian (Level 5) and Junk Synchron (Level 3) to go into Psi-Framelord Omega (Level 8)
If you have either Satelitte Synchron and another Doppelwarrior or Caligo Claw Crow plus Pot of Avarice, then you can make additionally Herald oft he Arc Light.
Also works with Monster Reborn to bring back Herald oft he Arc Light
Final Step: Banish Garden Rose Maiden and bring back Crystalwing Synchr
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