This is the basic Tearalaments engine, but we include Shaddolls to get Winda on field. It's better to pull Winda out on your opponent's turn if possible. We run a lot of interruption and interaction, as the biggest body we're ever getting on board is 3000 power, which is far too easy to swing over. Try to keep Monster negates and big bodies off the field.
Going first, you'll want to lay down your protective traps, and try to use as few cards in hand as possible to get into Tearalaments Kitkalos. If Reino is in your hand, grab a Shaddoll if you don't already have one, otherwise grab whatever. If Reino is not in your hand, grab Reino, put him in your hand. Never summon Kaleido-Heart on your turn unless you need to pop something or you need lethal.
I'm not very good at Yu Gi Oh so I have no other advice, this deck could use Barrel Rock, but sadly that's only in the OCG. You can sub in any Stone Ogre Grotto, but it's not the same.