Despite the huge number of members the archetype has Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo is still the only playable Ninja monster as it searches for Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation which then sends a monster your opponent controls to summon: 1) a floodgate in Amorphage Goliath 2) a quick effect pop in Dinowrestler Pankratops or 3) Fallen of Albaz to get rid of another one of your opponent's monster to fusion summon (Always remember to keep a card in hand to discard off of the effect of Albaz if you plan to do this play). Thankfully, Ninjas have received a makeover in Darkwing Blast, these new cards will take some time to get to Master Duel tho. Also, despite the ammount of traps this deck plays, we can still go second thanks to tools like Pankratops, Fallen of Albaz, Super Polymerization and Evenly Matched.
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