Disclaimer: I did not make this list. This horrifyingly beautiful array of cards was produced by Trif Gaming during one of his live streams on youtube. While I did suggest some cards that are played here - I very happily do not claim ownership of this build. With that being said: here's the self-proclaimed 'Free Win.deck' or as the majority calls it, Trif's Pendulum Pick N' Mix!
Where do I even start..? On his recent stream, Trif Gaming got drunk decided that it was time he revealed the real best deck. He knew it would be controversial; that it would change the way yugioh is played forever, and flip the format on its head. The people called it the Anti-Meta Meta Deck of 2020. Wars were cancelled. Televisions stopped broadcasting. The world stood still and time froze.....are all things I would've said. I'm gonna be honest this is just a bunch of engines thrown together with the focus of turboing out Halqifibrax. I don't know how this deck manages to work its so perplexing. Here's how the basic combo works:
Using one of your several starters in the deck - you find a way to get into Crystron Needlefiber. Once it's been summoned, you do your standard synchro climbing (drawing off of cards like Formula Synchron, Coral Dragon and the level 9 whose name became overly complicated in the TCG) until you manage to make True King of all Calamities. Because of how overtly complex this deck actually is, you will mostly likely waste 12 of your extra deck slots just trying to pull off the combo. Once you do however, you'll realise that you've been left with the rest of your hand and an unused pend summon. Hmm, maybe this is the real best deck after all..? From this point on you basically make do with what you have. Usually the only things worth it are summoning an Ultimate Conductor Tyranno for its spicy flip effect, and using Servant of Endymion to summon a Mighty Master. If you do not open any of these however: do not worry. Pendulum are known for their amazing draw ability. In this...cluster of cards, you run a total of 12 different draw spells! Thats right! And not only that, 22 card that search. Despite this being sixty cards: you'll find what your looking for. Or not. Desires can be irritating I get your pain.
If you feel daring enough, you can tweak some of the ratios in the Extra Deck. I'd mainly advise sticking to Selene, Accesscode and Cerberus - as you go into them the least and they are not imperative for the combo. Selene is the least-used one, because its primarily there only to summon out a Mighty Master after its been used for souls. Cerberus is also pretty interchangeable. You can replace it with another link 2 or Phoenix if you really want, but the people decided that it was the most impactful Knightmare this format. And Accesscode talker is only there to OTK and blow your opponents board up. I would try to keep Accesscode over something like Borrelsword, solely because its harder to resolve its effect and OTK during the same turn. Plus Accesscode can technically be made with 3 materials using something like Selene and a spellcaster summon from the GY.
Overall: this deck is like a 4.2/10 who am I kidding. I wouldn't recommend taking this to a legitimate tournament unless your aspiration is to go X-5 and get laughed at. The deck is consistent yeah, but its recovery is too poor for it to be any form of good. It falls flat to handtraps and has too many choke-points in the combo. The only reason I made this upload was mostly as filler and to have a little fun. The stream this was made on was really late at night, so not many people got to see the deck in action. I also wanted to get my next few decks prepared because i'm going to try to get back to daily decklists starting from Friday. Don't forget to check out Trif Gaming too: he posts some cool Pendulum lists on his channel and does a lot of fun interactive streams a lot of the time. Even though its not that optimal, I'd recommend you still try out the deck. Its very fun and feels pretty rewarding once you manage to make the endboard. Have a great evening/night/morning/day and dont forget to Tune in tsoon to catch some
actual good decks.