Don't try it, it's bad. But. If you do, each engine should be able to get out their own monsters on their own, and for anything else, there's Drytron.
Manju and Prep can search Sauravis if necessary. If you *really really* want to, you can run Sprite's Blessing to actually summon Sauravis (and any other light attribute ritual in the deck).
Pre-prep can search Libromancer Bonded and Fireburst if going for an OTK and Firestarter if you want to give Fireburst added protections. Mystigirl enables this by reducing one of their ATK position monsters to 0.
Extra Deck can also run 1 N'tss 3 Arc Light or vice versa if you prefer. Linkuriboh interchangeable with Relinquished Anima as well.
Don't ask how you side anything in and out, you might as well cut an entire archetype at that point.