Primarily a going-second deck.
Lefty Driver can be used with Ursarctic Departure if you start with it in your opening hand. Righty+Lefty is a one-card Ursarctic Polari combo.
This deck uses Effect Veiler instead of Infinite Impermanence because it is a Tuner, which can help make the level 8 Synchros.
Phantazmay can help find the right Ursarctic monster, you need and puts a level 7 body on board.
Gadarla helps bypass various Barrier Statues because this deck relies a lot on Special Summoning, but you can also use Effect Veiler if you need to.
Nibiru can clear the enemy board and the token can be stolen with Ursarctic Big Dipper. It is also a Rock, so excavating it with Adamancipator Risen - Dragite can provide some removal.
If you choose to use Pot of Extravgance, then you will need to run 3 copies of all the Ursarctic Synchros.