Video showcase vs all meta (32 Min video):
First of all the deck is strong tier 2, Yet maybe 4-5 people worldwide know it exists.
Deck Notes: ADAMANCIPATORS at 2? * Vernusylphs are the primary way to turbo the deck and do a better job then them. Secondary consistency is nice but if included properly. * Both Researcher and Analyzer suck when Drawn at multiples or get excavated. * Analyzer also overlaps with 3 Fenrirs & Nibiru (You also side one out when siding more nibs, Bystials). * Researcher is also primary Gallant target so drawing him is a bit redundant. * Adamancipator Seeker wasn't good enough, altho 1 copy of it if you dont own / cant afford the consistency spells wont hurt. SEKKA & PROSP?? Wut? (Btw you can banish 6 with Prosp easily) If you could play 4 copies of prosperity or 4 copies of light of sekka would you do it? The answer should be yes. VERNU Ratio: Just 1 Vernusylph bunny? This deck doesn't fill up the GY as well as naturia monsters for example, you need an earth in GY to activate him Just 1 Vernusylph Winny the Po bear? I rated prosperity higher, if you cant afford prosperity max out on bears and reduce to 40. VERA needed? Each effect was relevant... Reviving Guardian, lvl 3 magnet warrior which set up 5 earths / IP, stealing monsters. Kinda needed due to type of removal. MY MAGNET WARRIOR RATIO: Essentially this ratio gives the engine enough durability to perform various search and swarm cycles from every root. If Anyone wants Berserkion ratio over Valkyrion ratio for Berserkion I ran: 3 Beta. 1 Alpha. 1 Gamma - sadly required (marauding captain one). 1 Delta - sadly nerfed as we dont have Berserkion. 2 Epsilon. 1 Berserkion. is barrier statue mandatory? Well I have had replays where I won summoning it going second, most meta decks summon at both turns. I mean the deck can turbo Gallant has both Adamancipators and Vernusylphs... Kinda hard not to run it. HOW TO STATUE LOCK: Statue + Hyper Psychic Riser (lvl 6 earth synchro, floodgates <2k monsters from atking, higher ones from activating effs). I Didnt like Riser enough. Statue + VW Jaya - makes it undestructable Statue + Bagooska - They cant run over statue Statue + Gagaga Samurai - This double attacker can actually redirect attacks saving statue, mostly there for OTKS KOAKI RATIO: For a while I had 3 Guardians 1 Supplier but I really liked how Supplier plusses my hand, as thats what Vernalizers want. ISHIZU FAIRY RATIO: I ran Kelbek + Keldo for 85% of duels, I wasnt happy in the end with Kelbek handtrap impact this format so I cut the engine... At which point Keldo was switched for Mudora as Mudora has a bit more Attack. - But in side deck this ratios is super valuable, specially if you wanna diversify the endboard, Ishizu fairy techs stomp some matchups. WHAT IF ONE CANT AFFORD 3 FENRIRS? Can you afford 2? 2 Is totally fine. There is no leveled replacement. Other tested stuff > Underperformers (Slightly surprising ones to me ): Rafflesia with Treacherous, (Well Treacherous is a bit bricky, everything floats, you might not reach R4, not to mention this is not R4 only deck + low atk) Gorgonic Guardian (hard gapped by IP masquerena), Aka why Sentry Stone suffered to, also Revival golem was rough competition for Sentry Kelbek (Ishizu handtrap) - its fantastic just some current meta decks like Tearlaments fk it up. It only performed well enough as a common side. Adamancipator Dragite - so by the time you can use this WATER monster your deck is out of rocks XD. What could Konami realistically easily print which would help the deck? If they printed some good level 6 or 8 Earth synchro. Maybe some better earth removal than Diamond dire wolf / Scrap dragon.