Hello there,
the basic idea of this deck is using the zombie engine for a combo deck which makes it very easy to side between a combo and control style of play since a big part of the deck can be used for both.
I added as many extenders as possible to continue your plays after Shiranui Solitaire or Uni-Zombie got hit by hand-traps since one of the main downsides compared to other combo decks is its vulnerability to negating your first normal summon/first send to graveyard effect.
Its big strength is the possibility to get some kind of a board with almost any hand, always having some sort of control style with zombie world and Balerdroch and having insane follow up plays after turn 1 thanks to burial from a different dimension and zombie master/Goblinzombie/Mezuki cycling.
Furthermore, you can easily side into using super poly and Rivalry because this deck keeps its capability to get Balerdroch and Zombieworld onto the board even with siding out a lot of the combo pieces and extenders.