Deck Building Help

How come I can't put anymore harpie ladies in my deck? I was in the midst of creating a harpie based deck when I realised that there are certain cards that won't fit in if theres about three more of a monster that has the word "harpie lady" on it which
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DeCard_KingShark • 1 year ago
580 2
Warrior Counter-control help I've been trying to build a warrior deck that is built on countering and control. I do not really have an archetype to base it on and my ideas so far are terrible even by old standards, but I am tr
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kingzilla • 2 years ago
1,224 1
Friend wants to build Blue-Eyes My friend just got into Yugioh and wants to build a Blue-Eyes Deck. However I've never built a competitive Blue-Eyes Deck before, anyone got any tips on what should be run? He wants to go down a Sy
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Samm99663 • 2 years ago
1,684 4
Need help building a competitive deck with dinomorphia so i built my dinomorphia deck and i dont really know what engine or engines I could run with is in order to duel competitively with it 
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Collin “The Hammer” Brule • 2 years ago
1,461 1
Help main deck from extra deck I Know I have a lot of cards that do not really work competitively or work together, but I looked through what I have and tried to make an extra deck that seemed interesting and might work together
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kingzilla • 2 years ago
1,174 1
First YCS Build Idea and Help Hi. I am planning to go to my first YCS in October and am trying to build a deck. I do not particularly like meta decks really but am willing to give one a try, but I really like the idea of a non
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kingzilla • 2 years ago
1,154 1
New to YuGiOh, help building a deck using cards from Ghosts From the Past 2nd Haunting Hi, as title says, I am new to YuGiOh, I bought a display box of Ghosts From the Past 2nd Haunting and got some pretty awesome lookin cards and was wondering if it is possible to build a deck using
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SunnyCalJon • 2 years ago
866 1
LV 8 Decks since the apparition of the martial arts spirits i wanted to take advantage of the fact they are scale 9, here are my two ideas: V.1 2x Dragodies, the Empowered Warrior 2x Igkn
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talgoose • 2 years ago
811 1
deck making randomizer wish they made it so when you use randomizer button, it uses the cards in your collection instead.
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Civilianwest • 2 years ago
688 1
Need help building/using a vampire zombie deck I am really enjoying reading your well written articles[url=][size=1][color=#FFF
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munchkin3204 • 2 years ago
2,008 2