The Official Archfiend Primer 2023

OP TheArchfiendGuy • 2 years ago - (edited 2 years ago)

Hey everyone, it's The Archfiend Guy here! There are many guides out there, but, as MBT put it, not that many primers (if at all). These are deep, comprehensive guides to a particular deck. So, for anyone interested, I have made a primer for Archfiends and you can find it here:

In this guide you'll find information on:

- Deck's strengths/weaknesses

- Strategy and overall gameplan

- Matchup guidance

- Win conditions

- How to use Masterking Archfiend

- Archfiend Rotations

- Deck templates, tech options, core etc

- Summoned Skull

- Chess Archfiends

and more! Aside from my channel, I hope this becomes one of THE core resources for the Archfiend archetype

If you have any questions about Archfiends then just let me know! I hope you all enjoy :)