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Rusted Moss

Some guy who likes scraps. At college studying to be... Something. Maybe a pastor or a history teacher. I'll figure it out soon enough. I'll probably make some YouTube videos on the way though

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Constellars A pure-ish Constellar deck aiming for doing something relevant
Rusted Moss
- 1 year ago
1,029 0
Fun/Casual Decks
330 240
P.U.N.K. Libromancer People wouldn't stop asking for a deck list so I made it
Rusted Moss
- 2 years ago
4,397 0
Fun/Casual Decks
480 390
Puppets (yes, the regular chess puppets) Puppets are definitely a deck that's for sure
Rusted Moss
- 2 years ago
2,373 0
Non-Meta Decks
630 600
Starry Knights - Utopic Combo Yeah that's right, you heard me. Wombo combo time with this slow as heck deck.
Rusted Moss
- 3 years ago
2,337 0
Non-Meta Decks
810 480
SEA- Scrap Eldlich Artifact I don't know, I guess this could be a thing?
Rusted Moss
- 3 years ago
1,225 0
Non-Meta Decks
570 660
Plain scraps - Now with artifacts Another scrap deck list because I need help
Rusted Moss
- 3 years ago
1,579 4