This is my take on building a "B.E.S." deck. The "B.E.S." archetype features battleships whose level starts at 5 and therefore originally needed a lot of tribute summoning to get started. Fortunately, the Field Spell "B.E.F. Zelos" was made around 2017, which allows the archetype to skip the slow method and simply put some space ships on the table. The "B.E.S." monsters themselves gain counters upon being summoned (with some members asking for Tribute Summons, while other member do not really care how they enter the field) which protects them from battle destruction for the cost of one counter per battle. They automatically destroy themselves upon battling without counters, but in fairness this does not happen that often.
The main combo of this deck is "B.E.F. Zelos" plus "Boss Rush". The Field Spell boosts the stats, gives added protection, searches the other part of the combo in form of "Boss Rush" upon entering the field, gives extra counters and allows you once per turn to summon an extra "B.E.S." monster from your hand. "Boss Rush" will then search out members of the archetype during the End Phase of a turn you lost monsters, which you can use to the fullest by blasting the field and ending up resource-positive, while the opponent took an actually blow to their board state.
The core of the deck is made out of three copies of "B.E.S. Blaster Cannon Core", "B.E.S. Big Core MK-3" and "B.E.S. Big Core MK-2". "Blaster Cannon Core" is absolutely fantastic, can be Special summoned at almost all stages of the game and gives the deck another sizeable beater for the OTK strategy. "Big Core MK-3" has a less useful summon mechanic than "Blaster Cannon Core" but recycles "B.E.S." monsters from the graveyard for more longevity. "B.E.S. Big Core MK-2" is slightly worse than the other two, but is still a solid beater who can be Special summoned via "B.E.F. Zelos" and Normal summoned via its own effect. One "B.E.S. Tetran" and one "B.E.S. Crystal Core" are also part of the "B.E.S." line-up of this deck: They will both enter the field with only one counter when summoned via "B.E.F. Zelos", but they can remove the counter to pop backrow or change battle position respectively. There is also one copy of "Cyber Dragon" in the deck which is mainly used as another Special Summon option while also giving access to "Chimeratech Megafleet Dragon", and two copies of "Gizmek Orochi, the Serpentron Sky Slasher" as a useful option to summon that also provides spot removal.
On the "Kaiju" front, I run one "Gameciel, the Sea Turtle Kaiju" and one "Kumongous, the Sticky String Kaiju", who will all mostly end up on the opposing board either via their own tribute effect or via "Interrupted Kaiju Slumber" (which triggers "Boss Rush" if you blast "B.E.S." monsters with it). The two copies of "Jizukiru, the Star Destroying Kaiju" are for my side of the board and are one of the ways to OTK the opponent together with any almost any "B.E.S." monster and a "Limiter Removal".
Talking about "Limiter Removal": The same fact that applied to "Interrupted Kaiju Slumber" also applies to "Limiter Removal", meaning you can buff your monsters, wait for the End Phase if you did not manage to kill and then simply build another board via "Boss Rush". Other generic options the deck sports are "Skill Drain", since you almost lose nothing by negating the effects of your monsters, while the opponent has good chances of being stopped by it, "Monster Reborn" for more swarming and kill potential, "Pot of Extravagance" as a draw spell with pretty much no drawback in this deck, "Upstart Goblin" as one blank card, "Dark Ruler No More" as a board-breaking tool, and both "Terraforming" and "Metaverse" for easier access to the Field Spell.
The Extra Deck is not that important in "B.E.S." since you will be mostly relying on your Main Deck monsters to do the damage, but one can fit some options into it that might prove worthwhile once in a blue moon. "Number 9: Dyson Sphere", "Galaxy-Eyes Cipher Dragon" and "Number 11: Big Eye" are all in the deck for their non-destruction removal effects with alternating ranks of 9, 8 and 7, allowing you to use whatever combination you can access the easiest in any given situation. Some of the Link Monsters are "Decode Talker" as a beater, the "Knightmares" for backrow and monster removal, "Pentestag" as an option to give a beater piercing damage, "Akashic Magician" for her bounce effect, "Underclock Taker" for further stat boosts and "Barricadeborg Blocker" for those rare cases when you lose your Field Spell but still have monsters to work with and try to turn the game back around.
That should sum everything up. If you want further information regarding "B.E.S." (or some other archetypes for that matter), feel free to visit my blog; the article for "B.E.S." can be found here: